Chapter 16

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Thanks to ALisia4  for giving me this idea ✌🏾️😋
Hope you guys enjoy

Get up Aurbree my dad said shaking me
What I asked
I'm Finna go to the studio with Chris and trey I left some money on your dresser you can go anywhere just be careful and make sure to have big T with you ok
He said leaving
Why that nigga always waking somebody up I mumbled
I heard that he yelled
Ok whatever I yelled back
I looked at the time it was 12:30
So I got in the shower got out put on (MM👆🏾) and went downstairs to eat some cereal
When I got done it was 1:40 so decided to go to the mall I told big T to meet me there and I got in my Camaro and drove to the mall
At the mall
The first place I go to is footlocker
While I was looking at some shoes I heard some one say Aurbree is that you I turned around and saw Kobi my BoyBestFriend
Omg Kobi I haven't seen you in for ever I said hugging him til he grabbed my ass
It's still soft like the ole days he said smiling
What you doing here I asked
Nun moved here with my pops  his new wife
And my twin
Oo koo you have a twin
Yep aye can I get your number so we can catch up
Sure give me your phone
He gave me his phone I saved my number under
BestFriend 🏀😻💕
He read it and said you want be that for long I laughed at him
Boy bye I said waving bye
Aight ma he waved bye
and I went to Pink
When I heard somebody call my I turn around and saw Carla and Diamond we used to be Friends until they moved
Omg hey you guys 
He boo Carla said
Hey Girl  Diamond said
What yall being doing
Nun you wanna go to the movies later on with my boyfriend Kamari and his brother diamond
sure What time
7 ok Carla you coming with Kris right diamond asked C
Well alright yall I'm Finna head home give my yall phones so I can put my number in them
After putting my number in they phones
Me and Big T went to Popeyes and went home
When I got home my dad uncles Chris  tyga and Trey was there
I pulled into the garage
Went inside tried to sneak upstairs but they saw me
Aurbree come hea my called dad me Back down
Sir I asked
What you do today they all asked
Nosey much I thought
Nun went to the mall with big T and got invited to the movies at 7 I said
Oo koo who going
My Friends from when I was little and there boyfriends
Oo they said
Ye GCO" by big T
You forgot to tell them you gave a boy your number
You what my dad yelled
Pops calm down he was my BestFriend since diaper days
So he said
Whatever I Finna get ready and big T that was between us
I said
Aurbree I'm not done talking to you he said standing up
Pops it's no big deal I said going upstairs
Skipping her getting dress and stuff
Pops I'm gone I yelled
Be careful and don't get in trouble Aurbree he said coming to the door ok pops I gotcha
Ight babe girl I love you said he kissing my forehead
I love to pops I say walking out
Aye do you need Big T he asked
Na ion want them to freak out
Ight girl bye
I drove to the movies
I saw diamond nem got out and walked up
Wassup yall
Wassup A
This Kamari diamond said
Hey Kamari
Hey he said
And this kris Carla said I nodded at him he did the same
And I'm Kobi somebody said coming up to us
Omg hey Kobipooh
I said hugging him hey baby he said grabbing my ass ion like that gay ass name he said I laughed but I do we got interrupted out of our little moment by everyone else saying
Yall know each each other
Yea this my babe Kobi said
I'm not you babe nigga
Whatever you say cupcake he said kissing my cheek
We got our tickets and food and went into the theater me and Kobi sat by each other
It was a scary movie so every time some pop up I'll jump and squeeze his hand
After the movies
Yall some punks the boys said
Be quiet diamond and Carla said
Aye yall wanna go eat something because a real nigga hungry I said
Yea they all said
Aye I'm coming with you Kobi said
We walked to my car
Damn ma Ian know you was rolling like this what's yo daddy name again he said getting in
August Alsina
You lying
Skipping  again
After we left the Chinese restaurant I dropped Kobi off
I'm call you when I get ready for bed he said
Ok bye
Nawl Punk get out and give me a hug I got out and went to his side and gave him a hug but he grabbed my ass again and kissed my forehead goodnight babe
Goodnight Kobi
I drove home thank god my dad was sleep I went in his room kissed his cheek and went in my room to take a shower after I got out I got in bed and Kobi
Called me
K Hey babe
A Hey Kobi
K What you doing
A Nun what bout you
K Chilling think about you
A. Aww you thinking about me
K Yep I was wondering if you wanted to go to the carnival with me
A Sure when and what time
K Saturday at 6
A Alright I'm getting sleepy
K Ok just fall asleep
A While you still on the phone
K Yea duh babe girl
A Well alright Goodnight
K Goodnight babe girl
I soon fell asleep

How was it
Comment and let me know 💭😋
Everybody in MM👆🏾😊😻

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