Keep Smiling

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"Sooo, how has your day been?" A seemingly young man drawled lazily. He sat cross legged on the spotless white tile floor, hunched forward and leaning on his elbows. When no answer came he cocked his head in the direction of his keeper. That is, the one who was supposed to keep him from escaping and fucking shit up. Party pooper.

"Fine, be that way, bitch." He spat. A snarl was heard and a wide grin spread on his face as the huge wolf glared at him. It's fur pure black except for a few random streaks of gold, and goat like red eyes that penetrated souls. In response the man flipped him off and stuck his tongue out between his bright blue lips. 

"Sit your ass down mutt, or have you always been too stupid to be trained?" He taunted in a sing-song tone. The wolf finally snapped and charged at him, huge claws sending tiles flying when the man rolled away and flipped back to land on his tippy toes making a mocking gesture with his hand in front of his face as he laughed childishly. He jumped away again when the wolf charged a second time, but this time being swiped by the huge furry tail that followed and crashing into the tiles head first. A second later a paw half his own size were pushing the air out of his lungs and  the wolf's snarling snout was right above his face.

"Ew, get the fuck off me dog breath!" The man screeched breathlessly, sending a fist to connect in the middle of the wolf's nose.

"Brother dear, please stop antagonizing Fenrir." A smooth voice came from behind them. Fenrir perked up and immediately got off of his master's sibling and sat on his haunches, tail thumping happily behind him. 

"That's a good boy, next time I'll let you bite that nasty Húsafell's arms off, okay~" A man with frizzy blue-grey hair cooed to the beast who whined and leaned into the hand that scratched behind his ear. Húsafell simply sighed over dramatically where he laid flat on his back deadpanning at nothing. Soon a series of clicks were heard and a pair of way too high black heels blocked his view of the sickening white surroundings. Wordlessly he trailed his gaze up to his elder brother's grinning black lips. Gandr, the biggest fag to ever walk the spiritual oblivion, oh yay.

"I heard that" Gandr stated placing a foot under Húsafell's head and practically kicking him into a sitting position. Gandr crouched down to his level and placed a pinky under his chin.

"Now I believe I asked you to be on your best behavior while I was gone, and what do I hear barely 13 hours later?" He sang while his grin visibly strained. The younger sibling simply scoffed and redirected his gaze. 

"Aw fuck off it wasn't even a big deal." 

"You tore an angel's wings off and ate them." Gandr's voice fell to a dangerously low pitch. Húsafell laughed in a high pitch.

"Screamed like a banshee she did~ Wasn't even worth it though, tasted like shit. D'ya know how annoying it is having feathers stuck between your teeth?" He giggled spitting out a bloody feather as if to make a point. Gandr's thick fringe shifted to reveal a piercing aquamarine stare.

"Taegin is tired of dealing with you. Do you know what that means?" Gandr stroked along Húsafell's jawbone and grabbed his dull green hair harshly. "Or shall I refresh your memory of what happened to dear Loki~?" A crooked grin replaced the grim expression.

Húsafell felt a small spike of alarm at the back of his head, telling him now would be a great time to get the fuck out of there. Easier said than done considering he was trapped in a friggin timeless chamber. Thank you, instincts! A lopsided smirk appeared on his face to mask the uncertainty.

"Unlike geezers like you my memory's just fine thank you." He released himself from Gandr's hold and stood up with crossed arms. "You can go tell that dusty old hag to fuck herself and her rules, in fact do it yourself!" He giggled turning his back to his brother.

"Ah, she anticipated you might say something like that." Gandr sighed calmly, stepping up to right behind his brother and running his hands down his arms affectionately. "I was also told what to do if this was the case" He finished in a whisper followed by a click and metal biting into where he closed his hands around Húsafell's wrists. Said man immediately yelled out in protest and whipped around to face him, bringing his hands up in front of him to stare at the offending shackles. He snarled angrily, snapping his eyes back to his brother who easily sidestepped the anticipated charge.

"Fenri, hold!" He said calmly and the monstrosity of a wolf that had been sitting calmly until now clamped his teeth across Húsafell's torso, trapping his arms and lifting him off the ground. The man shouted curses in his high pitched voice and desperately flailed his legs in continuously unsuccessful kicks towards his brother. Gandr simply tsked as he placed his hands around his brother's neck to form another metal clasp in the form of a choker. Once stuck he snapped his fingers and watched as chains formed between the metal objects and wrapped around his little brothers torso and extended behind him. A low growl was heard from Fenrir. Finally he stepped back and ordered his beast to let go. The moment he did Húsafell was back on his feet and throwing himself in his direction mind set on murder. He was stopped only inches from his target when both the shackles and choker were tugged backwards harshly. In alarm he snapped his head back to see the chains extending to the huge wolf. Fenrir's torso and legs were wrapped in chains much like his own, and tugging him backwards roughly from where they connected at his own choker. 

"What did you do!?" He whispered darkly turning to face his brother with acid yellow eyes glowing. Gandr simply walked over to Fenrir and petted him affectionately.

"You got yourself into this mess brother dear." He didn't even glance at him. Only when Fenrir nuzzled him did he look back with a smirk. "I'm afraid my dear pet will be assigned to make sure you don't get out of track again~ He's the only one who can hold your... generous, density after all." His black lips curved upwards. "Oh but this isn't even the best part!" He snapped his fingers, explosive pain erupting all over Húsafell's body. He choked on his own breath and fell back onto his rear in shock. A pained scream tore from his lips when his very bones cramped and reshaped themselves, growing smaller, weaker. He felt himself shrink, taking the form of a barely 12 year old boy, his dull green hair bleeding into a brighter, stupidly spring green colour and chains tightening to fit his new frame. He covered his mouth and coughed hard, feeling like his lungs were pushing up his throat. His hand came back dotted with the red blood of a mortal and he looked up at his brother, face stricken with horror.

"You didn't! You fucking didn't!" He yelled, voice now naturally at a stupidly high pitch and cracking with the strain. Gandr walked up to him, smile sickly sweet as he crouched down before him.

"Oh but I did." He cooed, reaching forward to cup his small rounded face and place a kiss on his cheek. "Why there's only one thing missing." He pulled the corners of Húsafell's mouth upwards, stretching the skin unnaturally wide. Húsafell thrashed and screamed as his face cramped, teeth clenched tightly before a crack was heard and blood spilled from the corner of his grinning mouth. His hands flew to his face in horror, frantically trying to pull the skin back, his facial muscles unable to obey as the literally plastered on grin refused to budge. Gandr kept his smile on as he lifted Húsafell's face towards himself again, and wordlessly plunged his fingers into his bright yellow eyes.

Soon, Gandr stood up. He cast a look towards his beloved pet wolf who had reverted into the form of a small wolf cub, watching him with loving evil eyes. He threw a kiss in the wolf's direction before glancing at his brother one last time, raising his hands in a graceful manner.

"Beneath the gaze of the Asa I shall name you Fangi, as the prisoner you are." He announced loudly, two red stained orbs in each of his hands. "Behave now, dear bratling, Taegin will no longer stand for your crimes." The orbs fell to the floor as he seemed to evaporate into thin air, silence ruling the chamber.

Fangi could only scream in pain and rage through his cursed unyielding grin, rivers of blood streaming from beneath the thick fringe that now covered half of his face. 

Not far away, lifeless yellow eyes rolled across the floor.

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