Mahirushaker gently moves towards Guren, she shakes, sprinkling salt all over him in such a loving manner. Guren is shocked, she is an ethereal being-- a salt shaker. They are kissing now, he is now pressing his lips against the opening where the salt comes out, it is hot. It is sexy, he is #turnt up. They stop at the sound of shaking, Guren sees Shinoashaker all over Yuu. Yuu is flustered, and no longer a 'cherry boy' he is a 'pepper boy' Mahiru is proud of her season sister, she sheds one singular tear before continuing to shake salt all over Guren. He looks much more appetizing like this, even if has enough salt on his own.
Saltya does a sick ollie through the window, does the whip once before disappearing under the bed. He is always watching, waiting for his chance to be salted on by one of the season sisters. He screams, Kureto and Seishiro are also under the bed. Seishiro is sacrificed to a god, but no god wants him. He too, is now salty and runs off to his dad crying tears of salt and pepper. He has been forsaken.
Mahirushaker continues to salt all over guren, gently, lovingly, sits on his lap, rubs her glass sides against his face. She has no hands, this is no problem for Guren.
It is a problem for Yuu and Shinoa, Yuu is confused on how this whole thing works, Shinoa continues to season him and throw him in the oven at 250 for thirty minutes. She will wait to feast until Mahiru is done.
Tenri walks in, he's a chicken. He is tenriyakichicken, he is appetizing and mouthwatering. Or he would be, he needs some salt and pepper which he came to retrieve from his daughters. They tell him to scram, he is scared. Mahiru has a crazy look in her eye, He leaves with the simple words, "It's better than a sword, ain't it son?" he nyooms out of the room, leaving his purple wig behind. Tenri is actually bald.
Guren was too focused on the salt now totally coating him to realize this, but Mahiru and Shinoa both stop their seasoning to take a selfie with the destroyed wig. Guren has to hold the camera for them.
Under the bed, Saltya and Burrito-chan are truly moved by the sisterly love and come out only to be drop kicked out the window by Shinoa. She has truly learned, Mahiru sheds one more single tear as Guren wraps an arm around her." I'm so proud of her. " " I am too. " Guren replies as Shinoa shoves Yuu into the kitchen. "The bear is loose!" He simply says afterwards, shutting the door behind them and looking at Mahiru. He gets down on one knee to propose, Mahiru is deeply moved. She loves him. He loves her. He forgot she doesn't have arms, she can't wear the ring. She merely kisses him. Actions speak louder than hands.
Saltya stands outside her window, singing his song of love over the sounds of salt been shook. Kureto looks at him, when Saltya screams because there is a huge cootie standing next to him. He slaps him and orders one of his furries to destroy him. Kureto dies. Saltya has done Guren a favor, Guren cheers having telepathically spoken to Saltya and know he is dead. Mahirushaker and him can be together in peace. They all lived happily ever after and ollied with several backflips over to a football field where they slam dunked each other through the goal till late unto the night. ... To be continued.
Forbidden Love
Fanfiction“The bear is loose!” Guren has been saying, whenever he leaves the JIDA to visit Starbucks, or sandwich shops, or burger joints, or BBQ shacks, or neighborhood diners, in his increasingly rote and pathetic attempts to “connect” with “real people.” G...