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Inside everyone there’s latent talent, beauty and intellect waiting to be discovered ......until then it remains hidden.

I’ve never been the talk of any particular subject, no one ever found me that important to talk about in the first place. Yet I heard my name on the tongues of the unknown, I saw how their faces expressed their blatant disgust of an outsider infiltrating their ‘holy’ sanctuary. Yet I couldn’t care less, this wouldn’t last long. Hopefully it would pass away like life itself. Just hope that my grandmother came to her senses quickly, hopefully she’ll realize that I didn’t belong here. I hardly doubt that I could get in here on my own .I sighed and closed my eyes for a brief moment, why must she do this to me .Wasn’t losing my sister enough? Didn’t she think I couldn’t handle this, after everything that I’ve been through? “Aishhh” I exclaimed as I ruffled my hair

“This is driving me crazy “I said out loud

“Don’t worry, just think of yourself as live bait”

Suddenly pulled from my dreary thoughts my head snapped up to see who had pried into my thoughts.

“What?” I asked, who was this girl ? Didn’t she know I was the new corner, why talk to me ?

The petite girl laughed, her short cropped raven coloured locks bouncing on her head .She wrapped her hands tighter around the book she had clutched to her chest and slightly nudged at her glasses which were sitting on the bridge of her nose. She flashed me a smile again this one hand more than one meaning ,a meaning  couldn’t decipher .Patting me on the shoulder  and said

“See you around newbie”  before stalking off .Her tiny figure retreated  down the corridor until she was out of my line of vision .Questions lingered in my mind ,firstly who was that strange girl and secondly what did she mean by bait ?

I brushed the thought quickly aside, it didn’t matter .The most important thing at this moment was to find my dorm .I glanced down at the paper again. ‘Where the heck was dorm C703’ I continued walking. Glancing form door to door ignoring  the girls who were glancing  in my direction then turning to whisper to each other after .Halting in my tracks I glanced at the paper again and at the door which was in front of me   ‘C703’

“ finally “ I whispered on a breath  .Wrapping my knuckles around the cool brass knob I hesitated  I wonder what awaits me on the other side ,I guess there  is only one way to find out I guess  ,Sighing I turned the knob  to expose what was on the inside .There were paintings and pictures  hung on the wall to one side of the room with what I assumed was various guys from boy bands. I only noticed one group and that was Super Junior. I wasn’t much of a k-pop fan. My eyes shifted from each one and then finally to the girl who was presently glaring at me

“Close the door you fool!!!!” 


“Are you deaf, get in and close the door “she said her hands resting on her hips   I made my way inside with my suitcase closing the door behind me . I turned around only to find the tiny blonde with an outstretched hand

“I’m Choi Sung ran” she said, a wide smile plastered on her face ,Wasn’t she just yelling at me a moment ago .How many strange children attended this school ? I looked at her hand then at her, she inclined her head in the direction of her hand.  I finally grabbed a hold of her hand and gave it a firm shake .

“Min sung, Lee Min Sung “

“Well Min Sung welcome to hell block, I thought I’d formally say that, before it all begins “

“Before what begins “I asked

She smiled and headed for the door, with her hand on the knob she said over her shoulder “Oh put on your uniform, it’s time for assembly, and you better not be late “and with that she was gone.”Assembly “I repeated  I darted towards my suitcase pulling out the calendar of events my eyes searched the paper until I saw for myself that she was right ,how could I have missed that .Rummaging through my suit case I fished out my uniform and quickly got dressed .I Darted  towards the door  turning the brass  knob only to find it locked. I tried again but inevitably I failed. Glancing around the room, an idea sprouted in my mind .The only way out at this moment was the window, I yanked the sheet from the beds then went to the window to estimate how long this makeshift rope would be .I estimated that I was about three floors up, tying the sheets into knots .I secured the makeshift tope to the headboard of the bed and hosted myself through the window

I glanced down a few times, I was almost there .Almost most there I kept telling myself. I sighed in relief when both my feet were planted firmly on the ground ,I glanced up at where I just descended  from and made a mental note to get back at that Sung Ran I can tell we aren’t going to get along after this little debacle .

“Why aren’t you at assembly, Kid?”

Oh no, what should I do? I couldn’t let whoever that guy is, see me .What If I got into trouble

“Hey, I’m talking to you; don’t you have respect for your superiors?”

“I’m sorry; I’m just heading over there now” I said as I pointed behind my back

“Then get going” I heard and a faint popping sound following that command. Who was this guy?

I guess there was no escaping this situation, even though I didn’t want him to see my face; I had to go in the directing he was standing .Sighing I turned around to see who this unknown person is, his dark hair was tousled ,it looked as though he just rolled out of bed, his hands were stuffed in his pockets and he seem to have that I don’t care type of atmosphere surrounding him. He popped the gum again and sighed

“Yah, I know I’m pretty good looking, but Aren’t you going to get going?.”He asked as he inclined his head in the direction of the assembly 

“Sorry “I mumbled before running pass him .I stopped in my tracks for a few seconds and glanced in his direction again

“You’re still here!” 

“Sorry” I shouted again before taking off in the direction of the main building. As I darted toward the assembly I wondered if I'd get in trouble later ,I really hope not.My Grandmother gave me a specific warning 

"If you get kicked out ,don't come back here " 

I had to avoid all trouble as possible. I was suddenly thrown off balance ,I took a step back to regain my composure and raise my head in the direction of the obstable in my path .....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2013 ⏰

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