chapter 5

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nicki pov

meek-are you ready


meek-then lets go

me-so can we go out tonight

meek-me and u

me-no me and the girls

meek-yea yall should if we leave now

me-ok                                                                                                                                                                                                      we got in the truck and headed to chris house.



me-do you ever think of having a baby with me

meek-hell yes                                                                                                                                                                                      i was happy that he wanted a baby but im not sure if im going to be a good mom.

candice pov

im having so much fun with bre i hope im pregnant. i was laying on the bed watching bre sleep.i was thinking about my life how did i come from being called a fat whore and being beat by my mom to living with chris brown.i was thinking so long i didnt even realize nicki was in my room.

nicki-candice whats wrong with you

me-nothing just thinking about my life, thinking about how i came from be beat by my mother and my sister to be loved by chris and possibly having his baby

nicki-i was thinking to do you think ill be a good mom

me-yes you will be an amazing mom

nicki-thanks lets go walking we need some air

me-can you get the stroller out the closet


we get bre changed and our water and go down stairs.once we got at the bottom i grabbed bre and put her in the stroller.

chris-where yall going


chris-you taking my baby

me-shell be fine i put sunscreen on her

chris-im talking about you

me-oh well you dont have to worry about me i can handle anything

chris-thats not what you said last night

nicki-eww yall are nasty                                                                                                                                                                  meek sitting over there laughing.i looked at him and he instantly shutup.

me-lets go

we start walking to the park.

me-i think chris knows that im pregnant

nicki-are you going to ask him if he know 

me-no but im going to ask him do he want a baby with me

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