Deleted Scenes

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A/N: Hey, everyone! So here are some scenes from Under the Influence that I hadn't included for one of three reasons: a) I wanted to write it, but I forgot, b) I took it out of the chapter because I felt like it didn't fit in, or c) I had a really good idea for a scene, but didn't know where it would fit in the story. And so here they are. (Sorry they're not in order.)

Oh, and I suppose I should mention, since a few of you asked, that I'm not going to be writing a sequel to UTI. I feel like I've told Hunter and Charlie's story, y'know? :)

So here are the deleted scenes. Enjoy! (Don't forget to vote and comment!)



Deleted Scene #1: The Prank

[A/N: This takes place in chapter 17, when Charlie and Hunter use creepy Nicolas Cage pictures to prank Mrs. Fang, a teacher they hate.]

{Chapter 17}

   Just as we were marvelling at our handiwork, Hunter and I both heard a sound emanating from the hallway and we perked our heads up, on high alert. We listened cautiously for another moment before our suspicions were confirmed—the sound was a voice: the dreadful voice that happened to belong to Mrs. Fang.

   She was probably chatting it up with the poor soul who had to teach in the room beside this one. I could just imagine Mrs. Fang wearing that big fake smile that she reserved only for other teachers (students mostly received looks from her. She had two primary expressions: greatly irked and blind with rage. She wore the latter much more frequently, though).

   It was only a matter of time before she would open the door and catch us red-handed.

   “Oh shit,” Hunter said, but it came out more exasperated than anything. We must’ve shared the same thought.

   I collected the rolls of tape and rushed over to flick the lights off so it wouldn’t look like anyone was in here. Meanwhile, Hunter muttered an impressive string of profanities under his breath, which, unfortunately, didn’t actually help with the situation. What did help, however, was Hunter’s suggestion to hide under the desks until the coast was clear. We had no other options, so I acceded. Our only means of escape was the door that led out to the hallway where Mrs. Fang was inconveniently still talking. If we tried to leave now, we’d surely get caught.

   We hid under desks at the very back of the classroom, farthest away from the door and Mrs. Fang’s desk.

   Suddenly, the door flung open and Mrs. Fang’s footsteps echoed throughout the room as she stepped inside. I raised a finger to my lips to nonverbally remind Hunter to keep quiet.

   My heart rate picked up and I held my breath, as if it would lower the chances of us getting caught. She could smell fear. I was wondering if expulsion or suspension would be our punishment if we did get caught, when I remembered that I needed to breathe. I inhaled slowly and then exhaled. I was suddenly jealous of whales, who only needed to come up for air every half hour or so.

   I risked a glance at Mrs. Fang. She was looking over some papers on her desk. Her back was facing the blackboard so she hadn’t seen the creepy Nicolas Cage pictures yet.

   Casting a side-long glance at Hunter, I noticed that he was trying to suppress a laugh. He grinned cheekily at me. It was so contagious that I found myself grinning back.

   A deafening shriek shattered the silence, and I had to bite my lip to contain my bubbling laughter. It was equally difficult for Hunter to keep his noise in check.

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