Chapter 8

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 Have you ever got the feeling where you knew you are at the wrong place at the wrong time? A hot ball of concern, worry and 'oh-shit' travels from your toes all the way up to your chest making it hard to breath?

Well, I'm feeling that at this exact moment.

Oh shit.

I held tightly onto Lil John trying to sooth him as my eyes were plastered to Kyle's fire stoned ones. Never in my life have I seen someone look this... messed up? I don't even know what to exactly say about him.


"Blaze!" Liv's, Chloe's mother, voice brought me out of my trance. Her face was one of horror and concern. I could tell she was torn and she didn't even know where to start in explaining this. Chloe's father, Angelo, was a different story. His face was guarded as if calculating a problem, and I was that problem.

"Yes?" Lil John had finally stopped screaming and was now hiding his face in my chest silently crying.

"I think you and Johnny should go. Kyle is very sick." I stared at Kyle and his red eyes glistened against the sun making me shiver. He winked at me with a slow lick of his lips. What the hell?

"Um yeah okay. We will just..." I started to step back to retreat to my car but the note burned in my pocket. I grabbed it and stared at it wondering if this was all worth it. Obviously something was very wrong here and I shouldn't be putting Lil John in danger but my curiosity and wonder was aching inside me.

"I just need to understand why Kyle gave this to me and what he said to me. It.. it just doesn't make sense." Chloe's parents looked at each other as if communicating within their mind.

"Give it here son." Liv reacted cautiously to me.

"Yesss Blaze give it to her. She would love to explain everything wouldn't you sweet Olivia." Kyle's voice seemed to be echoed as if his vocal cords were disrupted.

Liv stared at the note then passed it to her husband with a blank expression.

"Blaze, Kyle isn't himself right now this note can be anything. He must be confused." My heart started to fluster at the possibility. No she has to know. I need to know!

"No! That can't be right. He told me to trust the hauntings and that Chloe was evil! How did he know what she said! I was in my room by myself there is no way he could've known any of that! Please tell me." My voice cracked and I felt panicked as if I couldn't get enough answers.

Angelo sighed deeply as if it was his last breath. He put a hand on Liv's shoulder as if giving up. Liv stared at her husband and nodded obviously agreeing to their silent exchange.

"Blaze, there is a lot you never knew about Chloe and well her accident. We obviously could never tell you about this before but since you've been exposed to our world and obviously you have to be connected for a reason." Angelo sighed while grabbing his head as if it would explode at that moment.

"I know Chloe is different the Dark Chloe told me so just a couple nights ago. I thought I was hallucinating because I've been having a hard time since Chloe..." my throat felt dry and I couldn't bring myself to say dead. "I just know but I'm not even sure about any of this. I need answers. I need them now."

"Blaze what do you mean by Dark Chloe?" Her mother's voice turned frantic as tears welled up in her eyes but never falling. For a second I didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to reveal the truth about Kat. For some odd reason I felt as if me knowing her was my own personal secret that I didn't want anyone to try and take from me. Guarded. Guarded is what I felt. While I was thinking I could the desperation in Liv's face grow. "Please Blaze, this is very important."

"I got a visit from the Dark version of Chloe a few nights ago. She told me some stuff that I can't really understand but it has to do with-" Liv stepped forward in a panic while Angelo covered Kyle's ears.

"NO! Blaze stop there don't say anything further with Kyle around." Kyle smiled evilly obviously loving the tension. "Angelo?" Liv's faced looked pained but Angelo's was a blank portrait. Kyle looked back and forth between the two and seemed to know what was going to happen. He became frantic.

"No! Mom! Dad! You can't! I'm okay I'm me! It's me Kyle!" The voice that exited from Kyle was not his at all and for the first time I considered this to really be happening. What was in Kyle's body?

"You are not my son." Angelo's voice was even but I shivered at its coldness. He went up behind him and hovered his hands beside both ears. He mumbled soft words underneath his breath and within seconds the red exited Kyle's eyes and he lost consciousness.

"Did you just kill him? Why were his eyes like that?" Lil John tugged on my shirt and pointed at Kyle with confusion. "I know buddy I don't know either."

"He is not dead. Just sleeping. Come on let's get you two inside there will be a storm soon and we have plenty to discuss." I looked up seeing only the sunny bright sky. Storm?

Angelo grabbed his son with no effort and carried him into the house leaving Liv and Johnny and I alone.

"Blaze you have to be open minded in these next moments okay? I can see your curiosity and courage in your aura but I also see a weakness, however I don't know exactly where it is rooted from. Just please be careful here on out. Okay?" I just stared at the woman who birthed my Chloe, who gave Chloe her gorgeous hazel eyes and heart shaped face. I didn't know what was going to happen but I finally believed Kyle on what he said, that this was only the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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