Step 2: Get A Gun

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Step 2: Get A Gun

Easier said than done.

Jack flopped down on his bed and cursed in frustration. Two weeks. For the past two weeks he had been trying to figure out how to successfully accomplish Step 2.

Maybe I could just skip to Step 3, he thought. No... I wrote it this way to get the hardest thing out of the way. He sighed standing before digging out his list of steps from where he had stashed it in the hidden space in his dresser.

First he pulled the whole drawer out and then reached inside to the left where he felt the piece of wood which swing out on hits hinge so items could be stashed.

Jack wasn't sure who had designed this thing but, he was grateful for it. He found it by accident went he removed the drawer because a sock had fallen out the back of it but didn't fall into the drawer below.

He pulled out the vanilla folder where he had carefully organized and placed his plans and took out the folded paper. Once again he considered changing the list when someone knocked on the door.

"I'm changing!" He shouted quickly as he put the paper back in the folder and the folder in the compartment. He pushed the compartment back and placed the drawer back as quietly as possible before heading to open the door. "What?"

"Dad says we need to hang with you," Matthew said walking past Jack into the bedroom.

"How is this place so clean? Maria didn't clean my room yet," Mckenzie complained following her twin.

"I cleaned it myself," Jack said. "I want it organized."

"Yeah, we definitely need to get you out the house," she decided.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not," Matthew argued laying on Jack's bed. "None of your memory has come back so, Dad says the three of us should hang out maybe stir some memories."

"But, I have a date in a few hours so instead we're going to a movie tonight," Mckenzie added.

Jack sighed. "Anyway I can get out of this?"

"Nope," both said in unison.

"What movie?"

Matthew smiled. "Ant-Man. It's actually supposed to be really good."


Matthew pulled out the remote and clicked on the TV. "You can leave now," Jack told him.

"We're bonding," he replied flipping through the channels.

"You two do that," Mckenzie said leaving. "I'll pick you guys up at 8."

"It's a date," Matthew said still changing channels.

"No it's not!" Jack shouted.


Jack walked slightly behind his siblings as they both chatted about the movie. Jack had to admit the movie was really good and pretty funny but his siblings were getting on his nerves.

The two had been fighting on the way to the movie so Jack had to sit in he middle once in the theater. Then Mckenzie changed her mind about wanting popcorn and ate all of his. Then the two were whispering theories the entire time. Throughout the movie he had to restrain himself from stabbing the both of them with his straw.

Jack missed a good portion of the movie but what he could see and hear was good.

Now they were all on their way to getting ice cream a few blocks away.

They kept walking but  a short cry caught Jack's ear. In the sound of cars around him his siblings seemed oblivious to the sound. He slowly stepped backwards before turning around and hurrying back trying to find the source of then sound.

It wasn't hard.

He quickly ended up down an alley and behind some building where a man wearing a mask had a gun pointed at a woman slowly handing him her purse.

Jack didn't even pause. He walks silently and slowly creeping up behind the robber. The woman looked to him with an are-you-insane kind of look to which he just brought his finger to his lips, telling her to keep silent. He was close enough to punch the man when the woman's eyes landed on him again. Unfortunately the robber noticed.

"What are you staring at!?" The robber turned only to be quickly punched in the face. Jack didn't get to make another move as the gun is turned on him.

The gun is pointed right between his eyes and yet, Jack couldn't feel more comfortable with the situation. True he didn't have his knives as he normally did- he made a mental note to grab some once inside the California Branch's Base- but nevertheless he smiled.

This, this was familiar. This was... normal. He smiled wider at the thought.

"What the fuck are you smiling about kid?" The robber growled.

Jack only smiled wider and chuckled as he took his hand and put it on the man's hand which was holding the gun tight. "Go on, then. Shoot me."

The robber blinked behind his mask surprised by Jack's behavior. Jack used that to his advantage. "Shoot me," he repeated moving closer and angling the gun so the cool metal was against the center of his forehead. His smile a turned into a cold smirk as he looked the robber in the eye. "Or... are you too much of a coward?"

The robber's eyes narrowed.

"He's just a kid!" The woman said suddenly. The robber's attention shifted slightly when he turned his head to face her and take her purse though leaving the gun trained on Jack.

Most would still stand frozen with a gun pointed at them despite the robber looking away. Jack didn't. He leaned back then side stepped slightly and reached up before bringing his forearm down hard on the man's elbow. Against the robber's will his arm moved and Jack grabbed the arm and pointed the gun at the robber's heart. The robber turned back to him unsure of what to do.

Jack's finger covered the robber's own on the trigger. He was stuck.

Jack looked at him seemingly at complete ease and then he spoke calmly- almost like he was bored. "Drop the purse."

The robber obeyed.

Jack then walked forward causing the robber to back up against the brick wall. He then quickly jerked the man forward before slamming his head against the wall the robber stumbled falling and Jack grabbed the gun from him. Jack quickly brought the butt of the gun down against the man's skull knocking him out. That was easy. Jack thought picking up the purse and holding it out to the woman. She watched him warily her eyes watching the gun in his hand. Jack slowly placed the bag in front of her and then turned back to the now unconscious and slightly bleeding robber. He didn't look back as he heard her running away. He then patted down the robber he found a wallet- which he resisted the urge to take- some cigarettes and- Ding! Ding! Ding! An extra magazine.

He stood and took the magazine out of the gun. He then put one in each of his socks and put the gun in the back waistband of his pants. Pulling his shirt on top.

He walked out the alley toward where his siblings had gone. After about a block he was cornered by his sister. "What is wrong with you!?" She shouted, placing her hands on her hips.

"Where'd you go?" Matthew demanded standing next to her, his arms crossed.

"I just thought I saw something and I went to look and then once I realized it was nothing, I tried to walk back... But, I took a wrong turn," Jack lied easily.

His siblings seemed to accept his answer and Mckenzie linked her arm through his so she could keep a tab on him as they walked to the ice cream parlor.

Jack smiled to himself.

Step 2: Get a Gun.


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