Chapter 12

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Violet's POV

Should I wear earrings or is that too much?

If I'm going to see Chandler I at least need to look presentable and not like a hobo

that does not mean I like him

I applied a little bit of make up and I did my eyebrows, I had to wear the school uniform today so I adjusted my skirt a little bit, just a little bit shorter than I usually have it

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Does that make me a slut?

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time

"I look good" I told myself trying to be confident

I mean I don't like him or anything, I don't even care about him

I grabbed my bag and I headed downstairs


"Are you in love or some shit" said my friend Lily in math class

I turned to look at her and stopped thinking about him "What no, why do you say that" I asked her forcing a smile

"Because you are doodling in your notebook, which means you're not paying attention to class, and the only thing stronger than your intelligence is, well love I guess" she said totally making sense

"Oh well, I was just, umm, yeah I was just, cle-clearing my mind Lily that's it" I said nervously

"Yeah right Mrs Riggs" she said laughing returning to work

"I-I-I-I don't know w-w-w" I tried saying like an idiot

"Don't worry Vi, your secret's with me" she said laughing

I sighed loudly and I hold my head in frustration

This can't be happening to me

It's nothing probably, I guess I'm just tired or some shit probably but I don't like him, how could I, am I right


I walked through the Buckner halls already knowing my way to the science room, some of Chandler's friends made a bit of small talk with me and it was kind of obvious they were all flirting with me

They're all pretty cute but they're not attractive like Chandler is

The only one who is almost as hot like Chandler was Janson

I got to the door and I nervously twisted the handle hoping he was in there already

I opened it and directly went through with my back pack on my shoulders and my head high

"Okay so you've never been kissed but how about a hickey? no hickey's also" he said firmly looking at me

He was sitting down on top of the same table we were on yesterday and he was holding a Caprisun on his hand

Two Caprisuns

"Oh and I brought you a juice pouch, hope you like this flavor" he said handing it to me

I walked towards him not being able to take the smile off my face, he is such a dork which is so adorable

"Nope, not even a hickey" I said walking towards him and grabbing the juice from his hand

I put my backpack on the floor and sat down on top of the table with him with my legs crossed

"As a matter of fact I don't even know how people give hickey's" I said

Just kids in love // chandler riggs (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now