You get hurt

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Harry (age 5):

You were playing in your room with yours dolls. You got bored, so you went to Harry's room. Knocking on the door "Harryyyyyy"! He opens the door and you run in and start jumping on his bed. "Can we go to the park?"
"Y/n stop jumping on my bed and then we can go". "Sorry Harry" you get off his bed and run downstairs. "Come on Harry let's go" you whine.
You ran towards the monkey bars and when Harry wasn't looking, you decided to climb on top of the money bars. Your foot slipped and you fell off and landed on arm wrong. You screamed very loud and started bawling. All that caused Harry to look in your direction and he ran towards you. "Y/n, what happened?". "I'm sorry" you said while crying "I was climbing on top of the Monkey bars then I fell down" you were clutching your arm. "Let me see your arm" Harry took your arm and looked at it. "It seems fine. Let's go home and put ice on it".
You got home put ice on it and turned out in the end, it got a little bruse and it healed quickly and Harry spent the rest of the month watching you while you were at the park!

Niall (age 13):

Today was the day of your first ever gymnastics competition. Niall was bringing along with your nephew, Theo. Your parents were away on a business trip.
You were warming up with your team. Doing some jumps, stretches, handsprings and basic gymnastics. It was finally time to compete. Your first event was on floor. After your teammate, Alyssa, finished her routine. You were next up. You were doing amazing! Then your first tumbling pass came. Niall, Theo and your whole team was cheering cause you've only stuck this tumbling pass once. So the time came, you did a round off, double back handspring, full. Coming down on the full is where it went wrong. You completed the turn in the air but as you were coming down, you landed wrong on your ankle and it twisted pretty bad. You sat on the ground as your music kept play clutching onto your ankle. One of the judges and your coach came running out to you. Niall was standing up wanting to run to you. The judge grabs his microphone and says "Does this girl have any family here?". Niall stands up and says "Yes. I'm her brother" walks closer to the scene. "I'm here with our nephew, Theo." Your coach steps in and says "Yes Niall is her brother and Niall there is a possible chance that she has broke her ankle so we've called an ambulance and they're on there way!" "Thank you so much!" Niall says that very happily. Being your amazing big brother, he picks you up off the floor. Everyone claps for you as you come off the floor. Niall has you in his arms. You are still crying and clutching onto your ankle while waiting outside for the ambulance.
At the hospital

Niall's POV

The doctor comes back into the room with the results. "I'm sorry but it appears y/n does have a broken ankle and unfortunately will not be able to compete anymore competitions this season". With that news y/n starts crying. She has a strong passion for Gymnastics and this is practically her whole season end right now. The doctor walk out of the room for a moment and I go up to y/n and say "Hey, hey don't cry it'll be alright." I hug her and rub her back. "We can still go to the competition and cheer on your team!" Then she let go of me and said "Oh my gosh really?!" "Yes princess, really." "Oh my gosh thank you Niall"
Once we finished up at the hospital, y/n walked out with Theo right beside her. She decided to get a light blue cast. That being the colour of her team leotard. "Ok, now let's go home." We started driving "toward home" but then y/n said "Niall you are going back towards the competition". "I know. We're going back to support your team." Her excitement was amazing. She did that girly squeal and clapped her hands. Her teammates spotted her on crutches cause there was a little break between they're next event and they all got up and sprinted towards her and gave her a huge hug. I just whispered to her "you gonna be alright? I'm gonna go sit down."

Normal POV:

It was the end of the competition and the results for floor were the last to be announced. Your teammate, Alyssa, got 2nd and they got everyone to do drumroll for 1st place to be announced. "And first place is.....(drumroll)..... Y/N Horan!" You weren't paying attention but you heard your name and got up cause you were just so excited. When you finally got there you were helped you up onto you step. The Judge handed you a microphone and you said a few words "Wow I don't know what to say . I came here to compete. I did. I'm very surprised I got 1st place cause I didn't land my tumbling pass and as you can see I broke my ankle. Thank you again so much!"

You Niall and Theo headed out to a restaurant with a couple of your teammates to celebrate.
They all congratulated you for your win and you went home and slept. And that was a great first competition for you!

Louis (age 12):

You were about to go on stage at your dance competition. The person before you just finished you were about to walk on stage. You had a solo. They called your name and you walked on stage. You were doing a jazz number. Around the middle of your dance you started feeling dizzy. You were dancing then all of a sudden you collapsed and Louis got up and ran towards the stage but was stopped by the stage manager. He was arguing that you were his sister and he wanted to check if you're ok. They wouldn't let him on the stage. So he ran backstage and met you backstage and you were still passed out. Your best friend, Emma, grabbed ice and handed it to Louis. He started patting it very gently on your forehead . When you came to, Louis have you a big hug. You asked "What happened?"

Louis' POV:

"What happened?" Y/n asked.
"You were performing your solo and around the middle you sorta collapsed and fainted." She didn't really have a reaction all she said was "Can we go home?" I didn't even think one second about it. "Sure sweetheart, if that's what you want then that's what will happen." I drove her back to the hotel cause it's was a couple of city's over from our city. I got her in and she went straight to her bed. "Y/n, do you need anything?". "Could I have a cup of water and a cold cloth? Oh and an aspirin?" I went to get her the things she needed and she did what she needed and fell asleep and recovered in a week.

Liam (age 14):

You were in your room watching Netflix. "Y/n!!!!!!" Liam called you downstairs. You made your way downstairs. As always Liam was sitting on the couch watching tv. You sat down on the couch and looked over at Liam. It's a fake doll that's not even Liam. You stand up. "Liam?" You start walking back towards your room. Liam pops out of no where and tackles you onto the couch. He's laughing but little did he know you weren't. While still laughing he lets go and looks at you. Your nose was bleeding. "Oh my god y/n. Are you ok?" You looked at him like he was stupid. "Ya Liam, my nose is bleeding and I'm slightly crying. I'm completely fine." He turns around and grabs you some Kleenex and he sat you down. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to give you....." "Liam it's ok. It was an accident". You both started laughing. "But... This isn't the end. I will get you back." With that, you stood up and walked back to your room. Later getting Liam back by putting paint and dye in his favourite pair of shoes. He got really mad but it wasn't a big deal.

This is my first bsm imagines sorry if it's super bad.
Comment below which one you thought was the bed or was your favourite.

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