Helping and Home

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  • Dedicated to All of those KICK fans who noticed that Jack did, in fact, sit down and THEN put

Heya lovelies!!!! I'm back on here from my wonderful world :P I've been soooo busy lately. What with the dance, retreat, and my play that's been going on. We are perfoming this Friday and Saturday!!! AAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! I'm so excited and nervous I get butterflies just thinking about it! LOL anywho, first time sending out a POV of Eddie's. It's so sad that they pretend he never existed in the third season :( Makes me want to cry. I REMEBER YOU, EDDIE!!!!!! Dedication goes out to all the single ladies. LOL jk it's really to all of those KICK fans who noticed that Jack did, in fact, sit down and THEN put his leg over Kim in "The Sub Sinker". My sis got so annoyed with me when I screamed, "DID YOU JUST SEE THAT?!?! MAKING A MOVE! WAY TO GO, JACK-A-ROONIES!!!!" You could say she smacked me pretty hard to shut up. Idc, though. At least he's going for it...whether the directors know or not :P You sneaky dog, Jack. Woof Woof :DDDD

Chapter 11

Eddie's POV:

            "The usual, Phil," I say. Our drive back was nice and hilarious. Before Rudy drops us off at home, we decided on a late lunch. Phil nods and heads back to the kitchen; casually yelling over his shoulder, "It will be just a minute. I only need to finish making sure my busboy is washing dishes not his beard." A few people spit out their food and leave at his comment.

            "Uh-oh." Milton grabs his stomach with one hand while the other pulls a large piece of curly, black hair off his plate with the other. "I don't think my digestive system can handle that. Just thinking about it makes me want to--" His cheeks puff up and we all know to instinctively turn our heads away. He takes a giant gulp before opening his mouth one more time, "I hope I'll be back!" And with that, he makes a break for the bathroom in only a few long strides.

            A blast of air signals someone entering the restaurant. Before we know it, a cute brunette is sliding into the seat beside Jerry. She turns and kisses his cheek as we all chorus some form of acknowledgment to her arrival. Being Jerry, it takes him a while to realize someone just sat down. But his reaction brightens up the room, "Ah, hey babe!" He grabs her by the hips to connect once again. Not many people can pull off the kissing in public look, but they are definitely among the few who can. Mika pulls away with a shy smile and gives a glance to Kim. I try to follow their silent conversation, but am lost by the time the food is served. 

            Among Jack's fights and protests, Kim manages to steal one of his falafel balls. Forgetting they are extra spicy, she shoves a whole one in before he can grab it back. At the first signs of heat, she scrunches up her face and tries to take short, quick breaths through the puckered hole she's formed with her mouth. Jack's behavior turns odd as he leans his face down, close to hers. Halfway, he seems to notice us around and stops. He straightens, looks around nervous and almost like he blew his cover or something, while he hands her his water. Her eyes are wide as she chugs, staring cautions and alert gazes at him.

            I don't pay much attention to it once Kelsey Grant walks in. Oooohhhhh, drama. She's so hot, but her friends keep saying how she's out of my league. I know the truth, though. They are just protecting her from this heart breaker. At the sight of her, Jerry puts a protective arm around Mika and tries to start up a conversation. We all know about Kelsey wanting him and what she's tried, so the awkward tension is at a maximum. She shoots his girlfriend an emotionless look. Mika looks down uncomfortably at her fidgeting hands. She fixes the denim vest over her floral dress which causes Jerry to grab her face and kiss her passionately. She smiles into the kiss and grasps his hair. He shoots Kelsey a 'back off' look, before closing his eyes. 

            The rejected girl turns away impassively and we all shift awkwardly when Milton reappears and grabs a chair. "What'd I miss?"

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