Aaron Tveit- On My Own

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Hi guys I am Hannah. This is a story for all of you on your own.

XOXO, Hannah

Bree's POV:

"Without me his world will go on turning. A world that's full of happiness that I have never known!

I love him

I love him

I love him, but only on my own..."

I finished my song and quickly wiped the short, hot tear that escaped my eye. It was closing night and I had never gotten that much applause. I was Éponine in the L.A Orpheum Theatre production of Les Misérablés.

I exited and gave many hugs and cried. I hate closing a show. It sucks. It is like a part of your life being torn out and tossed in the trash bin.

After the show I heard a knock on my dressing room door. I was surprised to see a lady in a black dress and a tight bun.

"May I help you?" I asked her.

"I am looking for Brielle Hartley." She answered shortly.

"Call me Bree. What can I do for ya?" I asked and shut the door after welcoming her in.

"My name is Carol Dennis from the BTCT. Broadway Theatre Casting Team. We would like to have you play Éponine in our revival." She stopped and awaited my answer.

"Uh. Um. What!? Of course. I would be honored. Broadway! Oh my! Yes!." I sputtered out unintelligently as I nearly choked on my green tea.

"Great. We will fly you out in 20 days then you will begin rehearsing on the 24th. We will supply living arrangements. Goodbye Ms. Hartley." She turned sharply on her heel after leaving her business card. Everyone was waiting by the door, eavesdropping. As soon as the clanking was gone I heard a blood curdling scream. It waked me from my daze of shock.

"BREEEE!!!! YOU'RE GOING TO BE ON BROADWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was my best friend Jess. She engulfed me in a tight embrace when my other close friends came too. Rilee, Wyatt, and Drew. We went back to my apartment to party.

Our party consisted of movies, popcorn, and falling asleep after talking about broadway. I couldn't sleep.

In 20 days I was going to be in New York. On Broadway. That is insane. I will miss my friends. I looked around to see Jess' head in my lap. Wyatt and Drew cuddled up to my legs. And Rilee was next to me on the other side her arm across my like a belt. I will miss this cast. I wonder who my new cast would be. Are they going to like me?


Bye guys love you.




XOXO, Hannah

Hi am back! Enjoy :)

XOXO, Hannah

Bree's POV:

I zipped up the final suitcase. I sighed as I looked at my empty apartment. I will miss this place. So many memories. Then a knock on the door woke me from my daze. It was my building manager, Sarah.

"You need to return your key and pay last months rent." She sighed and looked at me.

"Okay. Yea totally." I handed her the stuff and she left. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as one tear escaped.

"Bree. Hi. So your flight leaves in an hour and a half. You will meet our chauffeur in the airport. Then we will tell you the details. Just don't miss your flight." I heard the shrill voice of Carol, through the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2013 ⏰

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