I'm Back

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I walked along the street, my footsteps echoing, I felt like poop, I don't even know what time it is, I don't even know where I am! I'm guessing its been at least two hours since my temper tantrum, so the concerts probably over by now. I quit my job because of this! I don't have anything anymore. I shivered a bit, pulling Marshall's jacket tighter around me. I walked a little farther until I came up to a vacant looking ice cream shop, it was opened until midnight which I found pointless, no fucking human would eat ice cream at midnight.

But I will anyway.

I opened the door and heard that little 'ding' sound. I smiled. It made me feel safer, the shop was decorated with red and white booths and a checkered floor. I walked up to the cashier dude and he stared at me in awe. "Ice cream at ten at night?" He asked, amused. "Mhmm," I said nodding, my eyes fixed on the flavors.

I opened my mouth to say what I wanted, but his eyes were fixed on something behind me.

"Freaking wow." He said, "thats... That's Eminem." He stated breathlessly.

Woah. woah. woah. That's who now?

I was afraid to turn around. Afraid I would be disappointed, I bit my lip and slowly turned my head. God. It was him. I looked back at the cashier dude, "I need a moment" he said taking out his inhaler. I giggled and turned back around.

"Marshall," I whispered as he entered the store, the little bell went off snapping me back to reality.

I walked up to him slowly, I was afraid. "Marshall?" I said again, it was more of a question this time. Oh no. I was about to explode, crap, take cover guys.

"Oh my god! Remember that time you have me this jacket because I was cold and you said you weren't but you probably were, and then I had to move because my bitchy dad got a job that he couldn't even keep for more than a week. and that other time I said your name is like candy and you said-"

He covered up my mouth with a amused look on his face. "Slowly this time, I can't keep up!" He exclaimed, "ok." I took a deep breath, I was trying to think of how to say it without him thinking I'm crazy... Oh wait, I am. "Your name sounds like candy." I said hoping he would remember.

He looked confused, then amused, and a million other expressions, until his face finally landed on realization. He opened his mouth, then closed it. I was impatient, I wanted him to say something but nothing came out, so I just hugged him. "Thanks for the jacket," I said breathlessly. "I don't even know why I came in here." He admitted, "but it must have been fate." I smiled widely. "Pft, I don't even know how to get home," I started, "but you've got a car, so it must be fate!" I laughed at my own retarded joke, I'm a dork.

We got in his car and he started it up. "Where do you live?" He asked, I blinked, I live in a shut down hotel

aww crap.

"Uh, well... umm" I stuttered, "hey it's alright, nowhere is worse than a trailer!" He chuckled slightly,

"Ya know where Burger King is right?" I asked, "uh, I guess." He said, slightly confused. "Just go left from there, i'll tell you when we get there." I told him hesitantly. As he drove I had this big goofy smile on my face, I swear I have never been so happy.

H turned left at Burger King and I looked out the window, "here," I said as we where about to pass it. "The hotel?" He asked his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah." I whispered, he pulled up and we sat in silence. "Will you say with me?" I asked desperately, the hotel was scary at night, and I wanted Marshall to stay anyway.

He took a deep breath and nodded. We got out of the car and walked in slowly, he gaped at our lobby. I chuckled "yeah, I expected that reaction..." I muttered, lowering my head in embarrassment. I walked to he bed frame front desk and pulled him along, I dinged the bell seven times. "Pet! I'm back!" I yelled, she walked in with a red face, "never ever ever do that again!" She screamed at me, "you scared the- oh. My. God. I think you found someone." She said her expression changing instantly, Marshall was still gaping at everything. "Ya wanna come see my room!?" I asked excitedly, "oh, uh sure." He said snapping out of his trance. So me Marshall and Pet walked up the stairs and to my room, I opened the door and gestured to it proudly. He blinked, "How long have you lived here?" He chocked out. "Since I was sixteen," I hung my head down again feeling insecure as I came to realize how crappy my home is.

"I got lost today,"I said out of the blue. Pet glared at me,

" I ran away because I thought I would never find you no matter how close I came." I stated sadly,

"I'm here now though right?" He asked smiling,

"Yeah," I muttered "I just hope it's for real."



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Your Name sounds Like Candy (a Eminem fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now