9. Found

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Helena's Funeral.

It was bright. Surprisingly bright.

Snow sparkled and blanketed the floor and the wretched and twisted trees.

I ran my black gloved hand over the roof of Bruce's headstone and let the snow fall heavily over the perfect surface.

But next to Bruce's headstone.....

was now Helena's.

She had a silver colored casket, with white roses artfully placed on the side.

I saw Jason.

He hit it harder than I did.

I remembered her peaceful body, in a black skirt and dress shirt with a blazer neatly rolled up a little above her elbow, her silky black hair caressed the by the glowing silk, along with the promise ring on her left ring finger.

Jason looked so lost without her. He was on his knees, his usual icy blue eyes saddening. Stephanie ran to his aid and put a comforting hand on him.

Coraline squeezed my hand and sobbed.

I stayed strong as the casket was lowered into the ground......

Not a tear shed.



One week later.

I slowly peeked through Jason's ajar room and saw him in his bed, seeing the back muscles as he breathed.

I sat at the edge of his bed, and tentively put my hand on his back.

He looked up and gave a false smile.

"Hey, hun."

I gave a half smile.

"Hello, Jason. Can you do something for me?" I asked and layed down next to him.

I inhaled the lush scent of cologne on his gray pillow case.


"Get...outta bed....?" I asked tentively and gave an adorable smile to whip it off.

He sighed and put his face in the pillow.

"Please.....I know........how it feels like to lose someone you loved so much. You blame yourself, you think its your fault for their death." Tears welled a little. "I saw my mom die before my own eyes. I saw her face in.....wretched terror as that bullet hit her rib cage. I could hear her bones shatter into a millon fragments as it impacted her body, and hear her body hit the the ground......

But all you can do is cry and beg for them to wake up and feel the blood soak through the pores if your fingers as they bleed to death. Or hope that you will see them in the morning......already yearn to see that smile on their face, wish for that last morning kiss to occur.

But you know that will never happen......

Because you think it is all your fault."

My voice ended in a choked ragged whisper, covering my face as tears streamed down my cheeks.

I was standing up now, and I cried as I replayed the harsh scene in my head.

Jason sat up and walked over to me and hugged me, pressing me to his bare chest as I heard him struggling to find the words to comfort me.

I wrapped my arms around him, and we both cried together.

"You can fall apart.....
And i'll hold you together."

He whispered as he held me.

Hello. Omg I cried making.this chapter (especially on Corys speech), literally cried. I know most of you are pissed that I got rid of a good character, but I am continuing this series and you will see why I did so.

Like, comment, and read ASAP!

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