Space And Stuff

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The sun had shown through the reinforced, slightly tinted glass windows, directly into Desmond's eyes. He instantly awoke as a result. "Gah. Fucking morning already?" He sat up quickly in an attempt to get out of bed, only to slam his head into the empty bed above his. "Damn these small cabins. Couldn't afford bigger rooms, no, but huge fucking static defense cannons on the damned exterior? Why the full not? Cheap bastards." Desmond lifted himself out of the bed, stood up tall and stretched, releasing a long and heavy sigh. He walked over to his window to take a look outside. From where he stood, an enormous spacecraft wing jutted out from his left, the base of it out of the field of view the window allowed. Many lights glowed and blinked on the wing, an assortment of colors. Windows could be seen going down the side of it, as well as small, ant-sized people behind some of them. Desmond looked to his right and saw another large wing with lights, windows and people that looked to be the size of ants as well. Right outside his window, on both sides, were small statuettes mounted on the hull, just beneath his window. The statuettes were shaped like the heads of wolves, tame, calm, yet fearsome and cunning. He then turned his gaze straight forward into the black abyss of space. Many stars dotted this black canvas, forming a beautiful view. A large star, fairly close by, was seen predominantly in the center of his view known as Turzol. Each star had it's own solar system which may include planets, some of which terraformed and colonized (or in the process of either of the two), asteroids, space stations known as suspended colonies, astrocruisers (civilian owned transport aircraft capable of small, small being a relative term, distance flight, equivalent of cars), as well as massive, militarily owned War Vessels. Desmond stepped back from his window and walked over to a small table. He picked up a bottle of pills, deep red in color, and fairly small in size. The bottle had a label on the side which read "Muscle Supplement - For interstellar travel to avoid muscle deterioration. Take one a day." He popped the cap open, took a pill out and swallowed it down. A loud knocking echoed through his cabin, someone was at the door. "Come in. What is it?" A tall young man appeared in the doorway, short of breath. "Sir, the western docking bay! It-" The young man inhaled deeply. "It's damaged! The seal. Somehow it broke. I don't know what happened!" Desmond replied saying "Quickly, let's go." He shot towards the door, grabbed his coat, and shooed the man out. He followed closely behind, closing the door upon his exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2014 ⏰

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