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Erica woke up with a headache. She looked around her.she was shackled to a wall.there was a bed in one side and a stool and chair by the back and a small book case, the room was lit with lanterns Erica struggled to release her arms and legs, from the heavy,sharp and rusty iron, blood dripped down her arms and legs, "LET ME GO! UNHAND ME YOU COWARDS!" she screamed,the door opened and the man who kidnapped her entered. "Finally awake, huh?" He smirked. He noticed the blood staining her dress and skin.he unshackled her.Erica's legs gave away and she landed on her knees,he took some soaked rags from a pile in the corner and wrapped them around her cuts, "that stings! What is it?" Erica asked in pain. "Rum.bloody waste of it too!" He said and got up.

Erica's POV

He stood up.a smell was coming from the windows.Sea salt and fish. "W-where are we?" I whispered please don't say it.please don't say it. I prayed silently, "on board the jolly Roger miles out at sea.I took you before we left, that was a week ago" he answerd,I got hit with a wave of realization. I'm on a ship. Miles away from home, with a pirate who can kill me at anytime. And my family,my big sister Blair rose Annalise, she was on a picnic that day. And mother? Father? I bit back tears but I was so overwhelmed it flooded out. I wailed and cried, "you're a mess, get up" the man said.I can't stop crying, "I'm your captain. I'm ordering you to get up" he said. I probably should get up,who knows what he could do? Especially now that we're far from my Father's army? He picked me up and placed me on the bed and sat next to me, "w-who are you?" I dared speak. "Killian Jones.but people have taken to call me by my more colourful monicar, hook.captain hook" he answered ,I could feel the blood drain from my face.captain hook.father had cautioned me about him,notorious, deadly and villainous, he'd robbed several innocent families,now I'm at the mercy of him,what would he possibly want with me? Blair is beyond my beauty, with her sandy blond hair,aquatic blue eyes and delicate physique, so why me? Blair is eighteen. Two years older than me, "princess? Introduce yourself" he asked goes. "My name is Erica rose Annalise. My parents are king John and Queen Annalise," I said, "I wonder how much such a beautiful girl like you will be worth?" He mused, I felt a blush creep up my cheeks and looked down at my ruined dress,it's a pale lilac long, slim gown, now ripped, soiled and bloodstained.

"Is there any thing I can change into?" Erica timidly asked. He got up, "I'll send Smee with something decent,unless you want otherwise" he winked, " thank you" Erica answered,he grabbed her waist and tugged her close. "No!please no!I can't" Erica cried as he ran his hands up her stomach to her chest. He stopped, she was crying. "I'm-I'm only sixteen. Don't do this!" She said and cried harder, he got up and left her huddled in a corner of the bed.
"Princess? Your clothes" Smee said and entered holding a pile of clothes, "thank you" Erica answered, "the captain demands to see you above deck" he said and left. Erica looked through the pile. She put on a tight, long sleeved green shirt that stopped at mid-thigh. And black leggings with matching boots and a hair ribbon,Smee knocked again and led her above deck.hook saw her. "Princess. We need to talk" he said and led her to the ship's railing,Erica looked out at sea.she found herself comparing Hook's eyes to it, "you are to address me as captain and seeing as I can physically hurt you because of the your punishments will be labor, if you do anything against my orders I'll have to punish you" Erica nodded. "Captain. When can I go home?" Erica asked. "It depends on your parents' response and your cooperation" he responded Erica felt tears pricking her eyelids she faced the Sea she would not cry in front of him. "Alright. I'll cooperate. But please, don't hurt me" she said, he nodded, "aye" he agreed,they heard a crash. They looked up and saw several figures flying towards them

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