Intro -Getting Our Shit Together.

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"Alight boys, I'm here you can put away the rulers we all know mines the biggest." I said walking into the conference room, where my CFO and other various company advisers were bickering like high school cheerleaders. "Pardon me Sir?" my CFO asked confused over my entering comment. "Well it's clear you were all too busy measuring your dicks to realize I had walked in 20 minutes ago and no one bothered to acknowledge me so I left, went to the wash room made myself another coffee and had a lovely chat with the security guards outside about which one of you thought your dick is the biggest. So I figured I needed to get all of your attention in some way." I stated in a faux bored voice, in all honesty I was laughing inside. "Our apologies Sir. Won't happen again." Said my head of HR. "thank you, and I would seriously hope not. Men we are a very rich very prestigious company, I will not have you all acting like a bunch of little girls. Pull yourselves together!" I voiced calm but harshly. "Now if you would all take your seats, straiten yourselves out, and quietly sit down, acting like right proper adults, then we can get down to business." "Sir," my head of advertising asked, "do you have a solution?" with the slight bow of my head in his direction, I waited until the last person in the room was seated at the massive conference table, prepared and all looking towards me.

Then I began. "Men, you have all been in my employ for the last 8 years, we've had our ups and downs, and now we have a dilemma, if any of you have yet to read the report, the short version is, we have less staff then we need for the amount of work we have, but we are slightly over crowded, and as founder and owner I have decided that my company will continue to thrive," I paused looking at each and every man there in the eye, before continuing "in our new building based exactly 1800 km south east."

I stopped there waiting for this information to sink in. seconds later everyone was clapping; I know I have been putting of adding another location. When the clapping died down there were audible sighs of relief, glad that no one out of anyone's department were going to be let off, they all know chaos would have ensued.

Now there were only happy faces, and one hand in the air. That hand belonged to my secretary and personal assistant, Mark Connell, he was the youngest man in the room at the age of 19, he was brilliant, but he had some real life learning to do. "Mark what have I told you about putting up your hand, this is a business not a school." He smirked and replied, "exactly that Sir. But I was wondering, who will run that location, will it be an existing worker or are we hiring?" I'm glad he didn't ask if I had even thought of it, I guess after two years of working for me he's finally figured out I plan everything to a T. "What a wonderful question, I'm glad you asked actually, because you're the one who's going to be taking it on". I said while casually going through my day planner. "Ma'am?" was all I heard before he collapsed on the floor of the conference room. "You are very welcome Mark, and I know I'm a woman, but you will remember to call me sir during meetings Mr. Connell." I said before, calling for one of the massive security guards to carry mark down to the infirmary on the first floor.

This is going to be the best female CEO story you every read, you will no be disappointed, and if there are any questions concerns or comments, especially grammar errors, comment or message me straight away, I will respond and or correct the mistake within the hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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