Chapter One: Meet Tsuki

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An:// I do not own katekyo hitman reborn. Though I wish I did. This is my first fan fiction so bare with me. Also the first and only disclaimer.
     As usual it was a peaceful morning in Namimori Middle, little did everyone know that that was about to change. Second period in the middle school has just begun when the door slammed open, revealing Sawada Tsuki.
      "Gomenasai, sensei!" A petite girl said quietly.
      "Late and detention with the disciplinary committee, Sawada! This is the sixth time you have been late in the past two weeks. Unacceptable!"
'Seriously, oh well it's not like it matters in the long run, right?' Tsuki thought to herself as she took her seat by the window,'I already know the material...even if I don't show it,'she sighed.
Three Hours Later

       "Finally! Lunch is here...guess I need to drop off Hibari-sempai's bento. " Tsuki thought out loud while looking for Hibari, when a she spotted him sleeping 'Awe Hibari-sempai is asleep. I will just have to wait here till he wakes up' she thought softly while looking at Hibari's face... Surprisingly cute without the permanent scowl on his face.  Slowly Tsuki drifted off to the great land of snooze.
Five Hours Later

        "Omnivore... wake up or I will have to bite you to death" a male voice said.
"One more minute please....." Tsuki grumbled not wanting to wake up.
" Have given me no choice.... I shall bite you to death!" The male voice stated.
"Ow! Ow! Okay Hibari-sempai I'm awake so there is no need to to bludgeon me to death,"Tsuki cried out in pain.
"Hn...' The voice hummed now known as Hibari, "What are you doing out of class omnivore?"
"I overslept again didn't I," Tsuki moaned in despair, then asked Hibari, " what period is it?" Hibari just looked at her and said," School is over omnivore."
"Oh no! Mom is going to kill me! I have to go Hibari-sempai. See you later!" Tsuki shouted over her shoulder while running full speed towards her house.
      "Oka-San! I'm home... sorry I'm late I got caught up with things at school and lost track of time." Tsuki called out.
        Nana, Tsuki's mother, stuck her head out of the kitchen. " It's fine Tsu-chan! I just finished supper. Come eat." Was the reply that Nana gave, "Oh Tsu-chan, before I forget this lovely flier came in the mail today. It was a tutor... all it says is:

   Do you want to make your child a leader today?  Tutors in school, fitness, and in politics. No payment just include board and food. -Reborn

    "Mom... I think this is a scam, you should probably call this Reborn back in the morning to cancel it," Tsuki exclaimed while thinking 'this is bad...oh so bad... If Reborn is here doesn't that mean that I'm the. No way. It is impossible. I'll have to check.'
       "Now that I think about it, you are most likely correct. Oh well it seemed promising too," Nana sighed.
        "I'm going to my room now mom, goodnight," Tsuki said while walking up the stairs.

In Tsuki's Room

          Tsuki  locked her door and walked over to her bed and went to pay down thinking softly to herself, 'Tomorrow is going to be very interesting.' As her eyelids fell shut

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