Chapter 1

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"Maria!" I quickly rose in my bed when I heard my name shouted from the long hallway, only to find it was my nurse, Claudia. She stormed in almost falling over her slightly plump figure. My lips couldn't help but form a smile.

"Yes nurse? I am awake." I said rubbing my eyes slowly.

"Maria, Why is it that out of all of your siblings, I always seem to have the most trouble waking you up? Please get ready, dearest. Otherwise, King Edgar will have my head." She said trotting towards my dresser and pulling out a soft lavender colored dress.

"Relax love, you might as well be in our family, the last thing my father would do is have you beheaded." I smiled at her ridiculous comment and quickly got out of bed, feeling strands of my long brown hair fall down onto my face and I pushed them behind my ear. "But what is going on, why are you rushing me to get ready?" I asked walking to the vanity and grabbing a pin to push back my hair.

She wiped her hands on her waist apron with a sigh before resting her hands on her hips, her smaller figure looked down at me running a gold brush through my hair. "Well, due to the unrest in the city, the King and Queen decided it would be best to have the extra security around the palace. You know as well as I do how your parents always want to make the guests feel welcome. So they insist you children give these soldiers a warm welcome." After placing a ribbon through the braid she had made in my hair, she made her way towards my bed pulling my sheets together. "King Edgar and Queen Tatiana need you all to be dressed and ready at ten." She huffed out and I made my way towards the screen, removing my nightgown as she continued. "You know when your eldest sister, Rosaline was eighteen, she was always up and ready without fussing." She smugly remarked knowing that I hated being compared to my siblings.

"Well, Rosaline is a light sleeper and I go to bed a lot later than she does." I mumbled my weak defense, then pulled the lavender dress over my body and made my way back to Claudia for her to tie the back. 

Once Claudia finished, she headed out down towards the hall to continue keeping the palace in order. I swear it would be chaos here, if it wasn't for her. I fixed my dress slightly and began heading down the hallway until I was stopped by older brother, Alexander. He sped by rolling up his sleeves.

"I hope father doesn't give me a personal guard, I am twenty-three and I can take care of myself." He said coldly as I trailed next to him.

"He just wants to keep us safe." I say defending our father. Since he is the first born son, he has always had a bit of an ego knowing that he would be next in line to the throne. Out of all of the children, he was always the one with the most responsibilities.  We walked down the long corridor together and down one of the marble staircases, until I saw my three other siblings and I walked quickly towards them.

"Maria! Finally you are here, we have been waiting," said my older sister Rosaline.

"I know, I couldn't fall asleep last night and-" As I was finishing my explanation, father stepped through the large marble doors, my blue eyes peered up at the large group of men in their uniform jackets, flashing a presenting smile to the group.

"These are all of my children, I would like them to be watched over, whenever they are out or even in the palace." He said and then began to introduce us. First, he pointed to Alexander. "Here, you are looking at our future heir, my son Alexander." I wasn't facing Alexander, but I could practically see him scoffing, knowing the last thing he wanted was more security. Then he gestured to Rosaline, "Rosaline, my eldest girl," father said with a warm smile. She did a simple courtesy and gave them all a small smile. Knowing Rosaline, she was probably taking this moment to find her new lover. Father smiled over at me, "My Maria, I need you to keep an extra eye on her" he presented. I couldn't help but feel intimidated by all the eyes on me, I knew he was just playing games, out of all of us I was always the one to follow orders. My lips formed a smile and I courtseid, like I had watched my sister do at the man standing near my father. He was obviously just the one in charge of the men. My father continued to introduce my younger sister, Caroline and then the youngest of us, Peter.

"Pleasure to meet you all, My name is Richard. To your comfort, these are the strongest and bravest men in all the land. We are just here to make sure the palace and the people stay safe." Richard said his eyes scanning all of us, his thin lips forming a smile underneath his mustache. His mischievous grin although suspicious was comforting.  

Father never spoke of his decisions around us, so it is difficult for me to comprehend as to why all these soldiers are needed. We already have guards, but after hearing a few of Alexander's side comments it is clear that there is something wrong within the cities walls, and that father made some wrong decisions, but I have yet to know what. Mother dismissed us and I trailed back up the marble staircases, "they seem nice." I say softly walking with Caroline and Rosaline.

"Oh Maria, you think everyone is nice. These men aren't nice, they are here because they are strong and will scare people away from attacking." Rosaline continued, acting as if she knew everything... like always.

"You don't know that Rosaline, they could be nice." Caroline defended me and I gave her a smile.

Rosaline walked away, probably to go flirt with Duke Antoine that was visiting the palace with his family. She is twenty and Papa needs her to get married soon, but she doesn't seem to mind though, the Duke is quite attractive, but he is rather boring. I also don't like the way his eyes linger on other women.

Caroline and I spent the rest of the day exploring the palace and playing games with Peter. We were all running around in the gardens, when I noticed the new soldiers begin to take their place. A few of them kept close eyes on my sister, brother and I. Most of them were quite young, probably around the same age as Alexander or older. My mind began to wonder about why they were really needed and what my father was actually protecting us from until mother came barging into the gardens.

"Children, please go get ready soon. We are having a party in the ballroom this evening. The last thing we need are my little prince and princesses entering with mud on their dresses and boots." She said walking over to us and wrapping her arms around Peter.

"Mama, I am not a child anymore." I say, hating when she talks to me like I am still an enfant.

"You are still a child to me." She said softly, pressing a kiss to Peter's head and I rolled my eyes at her, then gave her a smile regretting my actions. Caroline and I both left mother and Peter to retreat to our rooms to get ready.


I hear a small knock on the door and Claudia walks into my room. Her eyes scan the dress I am wearing and her cheeks curve and her lips form a smile.

"Oh my sweet Maria, you look beautiful." She smiled and wraps her arms around me. I thank her before slowly pulling away. "I was just now making my way down to you bedroom and I came face to face with one of the most dashing men.  I didn't think I could be that swept away with my old age."

I shake my head and smile at her comment, "Oh nurse you are silly. I haven't spoken to any of them yet, they seem very cold. They are nothing like the other guards, like Boris he always is making me laugh and saying funny things in my ear. These new men seem as if they have not made jokes in their lifetime" I say honestly looking at her.

"Well my love, I am not worried about you making friends with them. Now let's get your pretty buns to the party!" Claudia says in an exciting tone opening my chamber door for me as I made my way down the hall towards the ballroom.

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