Chapter one: ordinary days

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I walked down the stairs, heading towards the kitchen. Olga called me down for breakfast just a few minutes ago, as I was getting ready for the day. I reach the last step and that's when I see them, German and Jade. They're sitting in the sofa, talking about something, the wedding probably. I see magazines scattered over the table and Jade keeps flashing that stupid ring as much as possible.

But the only thing I can think about is how much I wish that that ring was mine and I was the one marrying him. As I stand the by the end of the steps I suddenly hear a voice, his voice.

"Angie... Angie hello?" He says with a soft tone and it makes me snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes? What?" I asked him and darted my eyes towards him.

"Are you okay? You look worried." He said gently.

"Oh no I was just thinking, now it's time for breakfast." I said quickly and walked past him into the dining room.

We all sat down and ate out breakfast in silence, as I was eating I could feel Germans eyes on me. I felt a small blush creeps up my cheeks as I lifted my eyes towards him. I felt my heart stop as our eyes locked with each other's. Oh god I wish I could wake up to those eyes. I heard some distant voices around me but I couldn't bring myself to care cause all I cared for was him.

Seconds, or maybe minutes passed and suddenly I heard someone cough, it was Vilu. She looked at me with her mischievous smile, but I just gave her a stern look and then returned to my breakfast.

After we had eaten Vilu and me went to the studio for the day, the sun was shining so I was wearing a short length dress with a brown belt around the waist. It was the same pink dress I wore that day in the kitchen, that time he kissed me like it was the only thing he had ever dreamed of. Every time I think about it all my feeling that I felt at that time rushes back to me and it makes me feel all warm and tingling inside.

---- At the studio ----

The day passed on quite quickly and it was time for the last lesson of the day. Pablo and I we're going to inform the students about an upcoming show that we are in charge of. It was going to be their final test for the year and each of them has the chance to show what they have learned during their time here.

"Hello everyone, could you please sit down I have some fun news for you!" Pablo said as we walked into the classroom. The students sat down and turned towards us with eager looks.

"Well, as you know we are heading towards the end of he semester with huge steps. As for finals we have something a little more fun planned for you instead of a basic writing test. We are all going to do a show together in front of an audience and..." I told them and before I had the chance to finish they were all cheering and clapping and what not.

They were shouting so loud that both Pablo and me had to cover our ears, but I couldn't keep from smiling because they all looked so excited.

As the class went on the students got to pick a partner and also a song to preform with. I loved the excitement that filled the room as the students started to plan everything. Suddenly the bell started to ring telling us that it was the end of the class, so we sent everyone home and now it was only me and Pablo left.

"I think this is going to be amazing, they seem very eager to do this." Pablo said as we gathered our papers.

"Yes oh and I can't wait to see how they have developed during their time here! I can't believe how far they've all come" I said back to him.

"Wow you are amazing, you know that," he answers back as he came closer to me. I started to blush when he said that and all I could do was to give him a hug. "You're not so bad yourself," I whispered back to him and then we pulled away. 

We stayed in the classroom for a few minutes, just talking like old times, but after a while we ended up talking about Maria. Maria was my beautiful sister that I lost years ago and Pablo kept asking me when I was going to tell Violetta and German that I was her sister. That Violetta was my niece. I kept telling him that there was no use in telling German, because he would just run away again and I'm so tired of chasing them.

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