the girl with the umbrella

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i'm so excited to be writing this story! i had multiple other accounts in which i wrote but constantly forgot the passwords and locked myself out. so here i am on this new account! i hope you enjoy the new story!!!

Most of my life, I was told to give up on art.

That it was pointless to pursue a lifestyle that couldn't provide the type of income to live a stable and healthy life for a 'man my age'. They thought that for me to just throw myself into a world filled with so many uncertainties and to have complete confidence nothing would fail...was absolutely naive of me.

At the time, I refused to fall victim to society ripping apart my dreams and forcing me to become the person they wanted me to be. I chose to pursue the lifestyle that was destined to become the 'biggest mistake of my life' and I was absolutely all for putting everything I had into it.
Unfortunately, I may have chosen to over look the reality of this type of life determining decision. Because at age 18 I set out to become a world renowned artist, but at age 21 I found myself at art studios looking at work that wasn't mine.

That brings us to tonight's usual events that included me sitting in front of the same damn painting of a girl holding an umbrella under the starry sky. Every night I've studied the same painting to see if just maybe, I could collect an idea from it to send me into creating the painting that could give me the break I needed.
"C'mon Elliot just figure it out already." My inner monologue demanded.
After staring at the painting for about 20 minutes, I rest my head in my hands and stare at my feet.
"Why couldn't I have been infatuated with something more realistic... Like being a lawyer." I shook my head in frustration.
"Because... Lawyers are boring." A slow voice whispered next to me.
Embarrassed that my inner monologue escaped my mind and out my mouth, I look up with my cheeks flushed and turn to see the stranger next to me.
She sat rather close to me and was sitting cross crossed while staring directly at me.
"Nobody really chooses to be an artist." She mumbled as she uncrossed her legs and leaned back against the wall behind us.
"But I guess art chooses you." Her eyes fluttered closed.
I was still completely baffled as to how she managed to bring herself to start a conversation up with a clearly failed artist who sits alone all day in art studios. The possibilities rushed through my mind as I studied her appearance.
Her eyes were glossed over and her speech was low and slow which made short sentences sound like strung out words.
"Excuse me for asking-" I shifted my position to face her.
"But are you drunk?"
I may have struck something because she sprung up and started to laugh loudly until she finally settled down and looked at me again.
"Absolutely." A smug grin spread across her face. With the smell of alcohol filling the surrounding air around us.
so that was the first part of the story!!!! hope you enjoyed it and i will try to post at least weekly. since its summer break here, I'll be posting often for now....
xoxo gabby

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