Chapter 18 First Love

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The next few months were spent with Henry. After school we would usual race to my house and sit up in our tree. We would sit with each other up on the highest branch and do our homework, study, or just talk and goof around.

Sometimes I would spend the whole weekend at Henry's house with him and his mom. He had two little sisters and an older brother. Charlie never seemed to mind since Henry's mom would call him whenever I stayed over and assured him there was no funny business. He had his suspicions since I was almost sixteen now and hanging out with a guy all the time, but I think he trusted Henry enough to give me some freedom.

Henry got his first girlfriend 'Natalie' the end of our sophomore year, and after that we stopped hanging out completely. Summer was empty without Henry around.

Charlie and I's summer was spent outdoors, fishing or camping and stuff like that. But mostly just lazy days in the house, which made me miss Henry even more. Henry would message me now and then but it was never the same as seeing his face every day. It was conversations like...


"whats up?"

"not much. hbu"


The talk was so empty and obnoxious I just stopped messaging him completely. The next time I saw Henry was a weeks later on his birthday. He had a big party at the beach, and of coarse me and every other kid in our class was invited. Charlie drove me up to 'the cove' around six o'clock at night. When I got there there were several large white gazebo's with twinkle lights strung around the insides. There was a large group of nicely dressed kids from our school dancing and talking around the party.

I was wearing a white sundress and some blue sandles, pretty plane. As all the other girls at the party were wearing short black dresses, high heals, and globs of makeup, including Natalie who was sitting next to Henry draping herself over him. As soon as I walked under Henry looked at me and stood up quickly causing Natalie to stumble and fall onto his chair. He came over to me ignoring Natalie and I brought him in for a hug.

"FAY I'M SO GLAD YOU COULD COME!" Henry shouted over the loud obnoxious music.

I just put on a fake smile and nodded putting my hand on his shoulder, as I peered over to see a angry looking Natalie standing up to come over to Henry. Natalie had long long platinum blond hair that was burnt out from being dyed and straightened so many times. She wore a tight purple dress that came down just below her thigh, and pink pump looking high heels. As soon as I was done hugging my best friend she quickly rushed over to us.

"Hi honey, who's this?" she said smugly looking at Henry.

"Oh um. This is Fay my bes-" He stopped before he could say best.

"My friend from school, she's in our grade actually Nat." Natalie looked at Henry then back at me in disgust.

"Pleasure" she said in a smug voice before she pulled Henry back with her.

He looked at me with an apologetic look before I sat down at a near bye table and people watched. I hadn't realized Henry was my only actual friend at school till now. I looked over at him to see Natalie glaring at me. She saw Henry and I smiling at each other  and then pulled him by the shirt and kissed him right in front of me, looking at me smugly over his shoulder. I quickly got up and stormed out of the party, Henry rushing after me.

"Fay wait! can you slow down please!"

"WHY!? just go back to your perfect girlfriend, your perfect new friends, and your stupid crappy birthday party!" I screamed, now in the beach parking lot, my face red as a tomato.

"Fay what are you talking about? im sorry about Natalie okay I didn't know she-"

"Just don't bother!" at that moment we could hear the party starting to sing happy birthday and Henry looked at me sadly.

"Happy birthday." I said before I turned around and walked to the street.

I sat on the side walk with tears running down my face, and Henry's present still in my hand. As soon as we got home I climbed our tree. I sat there with tears running down my face, leaning my head against the tree and my legs dangling down. I fell asleep with Henry's present in my hands. I was awaken by movement, and when I opened my eyes Henry was sitting next to me in his blue birthday tuxedo with the bow tie undone.

"Did you lose your way back to the party?" I chimed in sarcastically.

"Here" I said handing him his present.

We both laughed and sat in silence for a while. I looked at him and didn't notice the tears forming in his eyes. I put my arm around his shoulder.

"I broke up with Natalie." I looked at Henry in shock. He had tears running down his face.


And that was the first time I kissed my husband.

Hey guys! Please feel free to vote and comment I would love some feedback it would be very appreciated  : ) till next time

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