Striving For Life

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Blood was dripping... my blood, their blood... it didn't matter to me... as long as I felt alive and I could knock anyone's block off. I grunted feeling a kick into my stomach. I paused realizing I somehow ended up on the cold pavement. I looked seeing a bunch of guys above me smirking. "Idiot you really think you could win against us?" asked one guy with a fucking smug look on his face. It pissed me off, and right as he turned I jumped up from my feet and then hit the guy in the back of the neck. "GET HIM" shouted his goons, as I smirked and started fighting each and every one of them. I didn't care if they fought me, as long as I one in the end. Soon I ended up on my back and smirked while breathing heavily. I chuckled and then my chuckling turned into laughter. I again felt the thrill of beating opponents. I then stopped as a figure stood before me. "Again Hidan?" said a voice, as I stopped laughing and glared at the figure that was standing before me. "I'm fucking tired of this. Stop showing up at the house, and don't bother getting your things I sold them" said the figure, as I winced when he put out his cigarette on my right shoulder. "Piece of shit" he said walking away. I laid their looking at the sky. That asshole never did like me... ever since he knocked up that woman he's been a pain in my ass. I then closed my eyes as I heard thunder and before I knew it rain poured down on my beaten face. I then slightly opened my eyes hearing footsteps. "If you come to kill me do it now, I don't have fucking time to deal with this shit" I said, as I stopped when a tall figure knelt beside me. "You Hidan?" asked the voice, as I glared at him. "What you going to fuck me you fucking weirdo?" I asked, as he sighed and I paused hearing a growl of anger coming from his throat. "What it, you idiot... I'm making a preposition for you" he said, as I raised my eyebrow. "I'm not going to be your prostitute" I said, as he sighed and slapped his forehead. "Moron, I mean making you a deal" he said, as I glared at him. "What fucking deal?" I asked, as the guys looked at me seriously. "Join the group called the Akatsuki and be known as a god... if you do, we'll make sure you get whatever opponent you want" said the guy, as I smirked and sat up. "And you are?" I asked, as he closed his eyes. "Kakuzu" he said, as I chuckled bending my knees and resting my arms on my legs. I smirked towards him and he looked at me. "What?" he asked, as I smirked more. "I'll join... if you give me a place pass out" I said, as Kakuzu paused. "You mean you need a place to stay" he said, as I smirked and he sighed. "Fine come on" he said, as I chuckled slowly getting up and Kakuzu turned around and started walking. I followed and he stopped looking back at me. "Can you really move?" he asked, as I chuckled. "That's why I'm called the Immortal" I said, as he sighed. "Whatever, just move" he said, as I followed Kakuzu. We soon ended up at a house. "You fucking rich or something?" I asked, as he sighed opening the door. "No I have a job, unlike you" said Kakuzu, as I laughed walking in and Kakuzu growled. I looked around and then smirked falling back on the couch. "You moron get off of my couch I don’t want you blood stains on it" he said, as I put up my middle finger towards him and he growled. He then paused noticing my right shoulder. "They did that?" he asked, as I looked down and closed my eyes. "No, a rat bastard fucking did that" I said, as Kakuzu narrowed his eyes but didn't pry on it. "Get some sleep, you'll be seeing the leader tomorrow" said Kakuzu, as I smirked. "Oh, a leader huh? Is it a he or a she?" I asked smirking, as he narrowed his eyes at me. "What fucking difference does it make?" asked Kakuzu, as I laughed and sitting up. "I have to prepare myself if it’s a woman" he said, as Kakuzu sighed and tossed me a pack. I looked at it and looked at him. He then tossed me a lighter and I grabbed it. "There's only one woman in the Akatsuki, she’s already taken by the leader, and if you hit on her... let's just say prepare to die" said Kakuzu walking away. I laughed taking out a cigarette and put it in my mouth. I lit it and sucked on the filter like it was the best thing in the world. I titled my head back resting my injured arms on the back of the couch. I then puffed out smoke and sighed. I then closed my eyes remembering what the fucking rat bastard said to me... I then slightly opened my eyes and sucked on the filter of my cigarette again. I puffed out smoke for the second time and narrowed my eyes. The thing that was now on my mind was... what the fuck was going to happen now that I was joining this so called Akatsuki group?

The next day I woke up and grunted when I heard clanging. I got up and slowly walked towards the noises that were coming from the kitchen. "About time you got up" said Kakuzu, as I growled. "What the fuck time is it?" I asked annoyed. "Five a.m." said Kakuzu, as I growled and grabbed him by the collar. "Are you fucking insane I just got to sleep three hours ago" I shouted, as He forced me to let him go. "Not my problem your a night owl, besides I do have a job to do" he said, as I narrowed my eyes at him. "Oh you going to fucking collect money from hoes?" I asked, as he glared at me. "If you must know I am a professor at a College" he said, as I paused. "Eh, so your actually smart... who knew" I said, as he growled. I then paused as there was a knock at the door. Kakuzu walked over to the door and I stopped seeing three other guys. Two dressed in suits and one dressed in normal clothes. "Kakuzu hurry it up" said a red head, as Kakuzu sighed. "Give me a break it was my turn to collect a new member" he said, as they paused. "Oh right, that him?" asked the blonde as I glared at them. "So what your doing guys?" I asked, as they all glared at me with death glares. "Idiot I just told you I'm a professor" he said, as I smirked putting my hands behind my head and closed my eyes while smirking. "Doesn't mean you can't do guys" I said, as I smirked when the blonde came running over to me. I blocked his kick and he blocked my punch and we just started fighting in the living. "DEIDARA" shouted the red head, as he stopped and we both glared at him. "You know the rules, the leader speaks to him first, meanwhile Itachi, Kakuzu and I have jobs to do, so look after the pinhead" said the red head, as I growled and was about to go after him, but Kakuzu blocked me. "You break anything in my house and I'll kill you" he said, as I smirked watching them walk out the door. "What the hell is your deal anyway? Un" asked Deidara, as I glanced at him and smirked. "I want to fight to where the point I can't fight anymore" I said smirking, a she paused and smirked. "That's pretty stupid don’t you think?" he asked, as I smirked closing my eyes. "Better than living to be a pussy for nothing" I said, as he laughed and sat on the couch. "Names Deidara, I'm a part of the Akatsuki" he said, as I smirked and closed my eyes. "Hidan... if you ever looking to die by fighting I'm you guy" I said, as he laughed and we both smirked facing each other. Little did I know that a rare, strong yet delicate flower was waiting for me.

To Be Continued...

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