Choices choices. ~A 1D and TW fanfic

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Chapter one . * I push open the large doors and made my way in. As I brush past the entrance which was crowded with participants I hear a teenager belt out a Taylor Swift song. Cringe. Those poor judges! I shake my head. Seeing the security i flash my V.I.P I.D and a friendly smile. He takes a look at my I.D and with a bored face opens the door for me. What is his problem? I think as i frown at him, flip my hair and walkb in with my head held up high. As I enter the conference room I hear my phone scream a Enrique song. Shit. I scramble through my bag. Fumbling with my planner I manage to answer it before it gets disconnected. "Hello?" I say staggering to the nearest chair while trying to get both straps of my handbag onto my shoulders. "H, where are ya? Scooter wants to know how the meeting went!" asks the voice every tween and teen girl would kill to hear. "Hey, Beiber. I'm at the X factor auditions. Tell Scooter that its gonna work out. I comfirmed the tour dates with all the stadiums and hotels. Your tour is all set" I say with a grin. "Oh,o.k. How is England treating my favorite tour manager huh?" he asks. "Awesome. You won't believe how cool their accents are!" I say "Ooh. Nice. Bet British chicks are hot!" He says with a laugh. As I burst out laughing Nancy the head of security enters and with a smile motions for me to follow her. I tell Justin I have to go, hang up and run after her.

~Chapter 2~ 

Chapter two. * "Argh" I groan as I'm led into a room filled with people. With an apologic shrug from Nancy I'm told to stay for 2 whole hours because half the board have been held up by the traffic. Being only 18 I'm never taken seriously. I look around at the room wishing Scooter Brauner (my boss) was here . The room is crowded with contestants and their family or friends. Some pace, some practice, some do vocal excercises and all of them seem to be stressing out. I snicker. I spot a empty seat and race towards it. A lady and guy about my age are seated next to it. I lean forward and wave saying "I'm sorry but is this seat taken?" The boy looks up at me. Through his hair which cover half his face I can see his bright blue eyes. Wow. Then the lady next to him smiles brightly and says in her British accent "No darling." "Oh. In that case do you mind?" I say being polite for a change. "Please sit!" she says brightly pushing back her brown hair. I drop on to the chair with a smile. After a few minuites tick by a girl of about 20 comes up to us. I straighten up just to slump back down when she starts her sentence with "Attention all contestants..." I look around to see majority of the room go pale with fear and wipe the sweat off their faces. I mask my laugh with a cough and cover my grin with my hand. When I recover from my giggle fit I turn to the boy next to me, lean in and say "Excuse me. Um..Hi.Uh... Good luck!"

~Chapter 3~

Chapter three * He looks in to my eyes and opens his mouth to reply when he's inturrupted by the lady with brown hair. "You too darling!" I look over at her and say "Oh. I don't need luck." They both stare at me with their jaws dropped open. I wave my I.D and say "What I mean is that I'm not auditioning!" "Oh" they say with relief and big smiles. "Hi. I'm Louis Tomlinson. This is my mother Johanna." I reach out my hand saying "Nice to meet you. I'm Haria Fernando. My friends call me H." He shakes my hand with a smile. His smile is intoxicating. I melt inside. "Ehem" says a voice snapping me out of my daze. "Huh?!" I say looking up. A blonde with a tag that read "Jodie. K" told me that the board was ready for me. I sigh and get up. Louis gets up too. I nod at his mother and stare into his eyes. He pushes his fringe away from his eyes and grins. We awkwardly wave at each other. I touch hos arm with my fingertips and say "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get in." With one last smile and shy glance I walk away.

Choices choices. ~A 1D and TW fanficWhere stories live. Discover now