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Zoe's Pov

I sat in my car debating on wether or not I wanted to go in the grey building. I looked at all the students rushing into the gates of Calabasas High School or as I like to call it, The House of Dicks and Sluts.

I laughed to myself and turned up the radio. Show me by Alina Baraz & Galimatias blasted through the speakers.

I reached in my messenger bag and pulled out a pack of Fortuna Light cigarettes. I pulled one out of the pack and placed it between my teeth. I grabbed the white lighter from the dashboard and sparked it.

Before I got to light my cigarette I heard a knock on the window. I looked to my left and seen the one and only Jaden Smith.

He transferred here Junior year second semester last year, and has been working my nerve every since.

I rolled my eyes and lit my cigarette. He knocked on the window again and I turned off the music. I rolled down the window and he placed his arms on the car door.

He smiled and I pulled the cigarette out of my mouth.

"What?" I said as the smoke flowed out of my mouth.

"Wow. Is that how you greet your favorite person in the world? I haven't seen you for 2 and half months."

"Yeah, I know. You weren't supposed to." I said and rolled my window up.

I placed the cigarette back in my mouth and grabbed my keys out of the ignition. I grabbed my bag and opened the car door. I slammed it shut and locked the doors. I put my keys in my pocket and slipped my bag over my shoulder. I started walking towards the school doors and Jaden followed.

"I missed seeing your beautiful face. Did you miss me?" He said, causing me to laugh.

"Like a splinter."

"I also missed your wonderful sense of humor."

"What do you want Jaden?"

His presence was already starting to irritate me.

"You already know what I want... You. I was thinking in order to celebrate the first day of senior year, we should go out after school."


"To the diner."

Of course. It was tradition every year for all the seniors to pack in Mitchell's Diner on the first day of school.

"I can't. I'm busy."

"But it's tradition-"

"Jaden, I don't care. I'm not going."

"Are you just saying that because you don't want to go with me, or you really don't want to go?"


I looked up at him and noticed he cut his hair low. He was growing it out before school ended... Hmmm... I wonder why he decided to cut it?

I turned away from him and seen Emily walking towards me in her black heels.

She matched them with a pair of dark blue jeans and a cute white peplum top.

She always likes to dress up and look her best.

I on the other hand just wore the first thing I grabbed most of the time.

I had on a grey tank top that stopped an inch above my pierced belly button, a pair of jeans, and black flip flops.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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