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Mike was on his knees on the floor, helping me fold my clothes into a suitcase. His face was stony, and I felt guilty for being the reason that he was going to be two days late to start recording. I told him that he could go, that I was fine and would make it to the airport by myself, but he refused, saying that I was more important.

As a 33 year old man, he was not at huge risk of getting drafted unless the war got more serious than was anticipated. There had been a few bombings reminiscent of what happened in Boston, back in 2013 (R.I.P. to everyone who lost their lives, and their families are in our thoughts and our prayers). Some car bombs, some hooked up to telephone wires, some were even attached to public transportation, and a handful of buses had blown up in the past day. The news was going insane, and all sorts of wild rumors were flying.

Here's the basic rundown. North Korea had started threatening the United States back in 2013 with nuclear weapons. This, in and of itself, would not have been much of an issue, seeing as, a) North Korea did not have nuclear capabilites back then, b) they had no organized military, and c) they are a small country hundreds of miles from the U.S.. However, due to a mutually beneficial relationship with China and  past support from Russia, North Korea was more powerful than the U.S. would care to admit. Now, in 2019, North Korea had stated that they now have nuclear capabilities, and that they are willing to use them, although there is no evidence of any sort of testing of a nuclear bomb. As a result, The U.S. has sent soldiers to North Korea, South Korea (as a sort of insurance policy, as well as protection for the citizens there), China, and even to the east coast of Japan. I am being sent to Japan to work with the Red Cross, who has a large base there. All the fighters who are seriously injured but can still be moved are sent to us in helicopters and, if possible, by boat.

Lyd is thinking that she will get drafted as well, although I doubt it. Her focus is not on medical sciences, but more on scientific theory, and they had already sent out a lot of letters to people in our area. She has been puttering around the building, trying to pack up all the stuff I need but instead would pack a bag filled with dresses and jewelry. Jaime would put his arm around her and walk her to her bedroom, and let her take a nap. When she was asleep, he would quietly sit across the room, reading and waiting for her to wake up.

I wasn't coping any better. I always seem very calm and collected when bad things are happening, but in reality, I simply go numb. The only time I felt anything in this whole situation is when I first got the letter. Mike had helped me sit down, and I sat, staring into space as my world crashed down around me. But I had collected myself, and I was now kneeling next to Mike, putting my clothes in the suitcase.

'Alex, promise me something?' I looked at him, and noticed that his hands were tight around the edges of the suitcase, his knuckles white.

'Depends on what it is, I suppose.'

'Promise me that you'll come home.' He looked at me, his eyes filled with fear and pain. 'Promise me that when you leave, I'll see you again.'

I reached over and put my hand on his, and his grip relaxed slightly, his fingers seperating to accomidate mine. 'I promise.'


Mike's POV

Well, she's on the plane to Geneva, where the Red Cross is based. There, she'll get registered, and sent off to Japan. I'll wait for her.

You know that feeling you get when reality sucks, but you know that you'v got to deal? That feeling you get when you accept the inevitable, and decide that you are going to get through this? That is how I feel now that she is gone.

I can't do anything about her being gone. It's one of those things that happens, and that you just have to live with. Yes, I want her to be here. Of course I want her to be here, and I would give anything to have her next to me, but when someone you love has to go, you have to let it happen. 

You need to let them go. You can stay home and wait for them, but don't try and change what is happening if it is inevitable. Let yourself hate them, just for a little bit. Be selfish- you're allowed to be every once in a while. Hate them for a little, but remember to come back to yourself and remember to love them as much as they deserve. Just try and be the best person you can be while they are gone, because that is what they want.

I will be the best person that I can be while she is gone. I need to give her every reason to want to come home.


Hello loves :) This is the end of A Match Into Texas! 

Before you bite my head off, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL I PROMISE. It will be about Alex, who is off in the war, and what happens there. Mike will still be a character, but will not be as prominent in the story. Also, it will be more thought-provoking than drama-oriented, at least for a few installments. 

I promise that it will still have lots of Mike/ Pierce The Veil stuff in it! Pinky swear :).

I'm not sure when I will be starting the sequel, but when I do, I will update this story one more time with the information about it, and I'll be posting links on my Twitter (@ImagineMFuentes). If any of you guys want to have your name as a character, send me a message on here on on twitter, and I'll do my best to work it in!!


Hopefully the next one is good too.

~Hannah Malcomson (Fuentes)


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