18- Hunger

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It felt like I was asleep, finally back at home in my bed worrying about school the next day. I hated that, I want to see what this demon was doing. I couldn't allow it to just steal my body, that's not how it works. Who was this demon? Why did it suddenly start controlling me now? Maybe I got possessed now or something, there's no way this thing was inside me all my life.

If all it wanted was to kill than I'm more than happy to help. What was the big deal? I feel so desensitized to the idea of killing a human being and it's so sick. I don't know what this thing is doing to me but I want to kill people. It gives me a feeling of warmth, and it's driving me crazy.

Before my train of thought could continue I was snapped back into reality. I tried to make sense of the scene in front of me. The room was creepy, it seemed we were underground in some room. The room was filled with white lights that illuminated the huge room. I looked towards the floor in front of me and saw a guy who was unconscious, his back was towards me. His feet were tapped together as well as his hands.

"What the fuck?" My voice shook as I stared at the body. Was he really unconscious or was he dead?

"What?" Dan asked coming from a room to my right, with a small object in his hands.

"Where are we? Who is that?" I asked, trying to see what the tool in his hand was. It looked like some sort of tweezer.

"Oh it's you Anne. Well, time for tis month's murder." He said casually, walking over to the body and flipping the person over. He ripped the piece of tape off his mouth I hadn't seen. He then began lightly slapping his face, in an attempt to wake him up.

He slowly opened his eyes but quickly closed him as his hands moved towards his eyes. He noticed the tape and furrowed his eyebrows. Suddenly his face paled as he looked around, his eyes locked with Dan's before he quickly looked towards me.

"Where am I?" He asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. It was a stupid question, even though I asked it moments ago. I guess I'm not as confused anymore, I just feel more powerful.

"Shut up." I groaned, looking around the room. I looked towards a table with many torturous instruments on it.

"Well I'm sorry you fucking bi-" Before he could complete his sentence Dan's foot collided with his jaw, the guy shrieked letting some blood fall out of  his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, you need to learn to hold your tongue." Dan scolded him, and suddenly a bright idea popped into my mind.

"Why don't we hold his tongue for him?" I asked, hinting towards the possibility of cutting his tongue out, but Dan shook his head with a smile.

"We'll do it later, cutting his tongue might make him pass out and lose too much blood." Dan explained, smirking in his direction. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the table of weapons. "However we can do this." Dan continued and I turned to him, he took his tweezers and grabbed a bit of skin from the guy's arm. He clenched his tweezers around it and began yanking the skin up. The squirming disrupted his act, so Dan stepped on his arm and applied force. He continued yanking the skin and then began twisting it around until a satisfying strip of skin came off. I hadn't noticed the boy's own terrifying shrieks, he sounded like a tortured sheep as he barked out his pleads and demands for freedom.

I decided I wanted in on this, what's the fun in just looking on? I grabbed a thick needle and a knife from the table and walked over to where Dan was, the piece of skin was still held tightly in the tweezers. I smirked and licked my lips, I shook my head trying to get the demon to leave. However, the piece of skin was seen as a juicy steak that I just wanted a taste of. I grew frustrated and clenched my teeth.

"Feed me you selfish bitch. Feed me. Feed me." A voice angrily chanted within my head. I shook my head, I'm not eating human skin, I don't crave blood. I can't- "I give you control to do as you please and this is how you repay me? You bitch." The voice was demonic, but I could hear a female's voice laced within in. My eye began to twitch as the voice kept chanting demands. I looked at Dan who left to grab something from the table. The boy who laid at my feet only stared at me in fear. I angrily threw the knife at him, how dare he look at me like that? That fucking asshole. He shouldn't be looking at someone superior to him with his wide fucking eyes.

The knife landed in his shoulder, sinking into his flesh with ease. He screamed in agony which caused Dan to turn to me. I got on top of the unknown boy and twirled the knife around until a spray of blood hit me in the face. My eyes widened in pleasure as I connected my mouth to his gaping wound and began sucking the blood out of his shoulder. I gulped down the liquid with ease, although not enough blood was escaping.

I realized what I was doing and pulled my mouth away and got off the boy who only sobbed as raspy moans were released from his throat. He began pleading again but I wasn't paying attention. I only gripped my hair and screamed as the woman's voice filled my head. I felt control slipping and my own sobs turned into laughter. I tried forcing my way to control once more but to no avail.

I stumbled towards the table of weapons and pushed it over. Dan looked mildly frightened but he was ignored as I was forced back to the boy who was only trying to crawl away from me. I threw my head back and barked out a laugh.

"Come here." I spoke softly with a painful smile etched on my lips. The man looked towards Dan for help but if he stepped in I would rip his eyes out of their sockets.

I grabbed the knife I dropped earlier and jumped towards the boy. I had him pinned down, and he used his bound hands to hit me. My smile dropped as I grabbed his hands in my fist and let my nails sink into his wrists where the tape was to maintain my grip. I sunk the knife under his fingernail and yanked it off. It fell to the ground with a trail of blood behind it. I immediately yanked off three more, sinking my knife under the nail and ripping it off until it stabbed the socket. I dropped my knife and grabbed each nails and shoved it into my mouth and began chewing.

Each nail snapped under the force of my jaw. Before I could allow this demon to swallow down the nails I spit it back out. It hit the boy in the face, and he pushed me off. I didn't make any more attempts to get on top of him anymore only crawling as far away as possible.

"Fucking bitch." The boy cried out after me. I heard Dan's footsteps hit the floor with heavy thuds before the boy yelped again. I turned my head to see what was happening, Dan held his mouth open and forced his pilers into his mouth, securing it around a tooth. He used both his hands to pull the tooth out. Once it was extracted the boy coughed sending a spray of deep red onto the floor making a satisfying puddle. Dan offered the tooth in my direction, and I raced towards it against my will.

I devoured the tooth and felt it crunch beneath my teeth. I didn't know how I was able to crush teeth and nails with no harm done to me. I crawled over to the boy and forced his mouth open again. He didn't have enough strength to fight back this time. I spat the crushed up tooth in his mouth and closed his mouth and plugged his nose.

"Swallow it or I'll pull out more." I threatened with a smile. I looked at his neck and saw him gulp it down, I released him and saw a tear slip out of his eyes.

"Kill me...please kill me." The boy asked softly, he seemed defeated. He no longer wanted to be set free, and since I was a good person I would fulfill his wishes. To savor the fun I wrapped my finger around a thick clump of his hair and yanked it out, causing blood to pour out of his scalp.

"Okay." I agreed, causing Dan to giggle in the background. I looked at him with a smile as he smirked back. I was still hungry by the way, maybe I could help myself to a meal.



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