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          "Lanie? Lanie? Anybody home?" I said I as I wandered through Lanie's huge house. Finally, I wandered into the kitchen and found Lanie's mom, " Mrs. Brooks, where did Lanie go?" I asked, "Oh, sweetheart, didn't she tell you? She went to the movies with Airabella and Alex." she said confused. Why would she be hanging out with Airabella and Alex? I mean sure, they where on our soccer team. But, they were going to transfer to  Warden. why would she hang out with people she despised, people that were transferring to our rivals school? 

       "I should get going, Mrs. Brooks. Daniel and I have a date later, and I have nothing to wear. I don't know what to wear. Jeans and a tee? A dress? What do you think?" I asked all sad like, " I think me and you should go jump in the SUV and go shopping. That sound good?" she said with a sparkle in her eye. Mrs. Brooks always knew what to say, and how to make you feel better. " That sounds great."


                                                                                LATER THAT DAY

            As Mrs. Brooks and I walked past all the store windows, I saw it. The dress, it had to be mine. Mrs. Brooks must have seen the excitement on my face because she walked right into the store, took one of the dresses off the rack, and bought it. This dress wasn't just any dress, it was jaw-dropping. It was simple, yet complex. It was navy blue, with a bow that was white and red stripes, Daniel is going to love it. "Shoes?" said Mrs. Brooks "huh?" I replied. " You can't have a beautiful dress like that without beautiful shoes to go with it!"  "You know, Mrs. Brooks, Your right!"  we stood in the middle of american eagle laughing our heads off when I got a text from Daniel. It said, "I'm all yours" he's so romantic sometimes. Right as I looked up, none other than Daniel walked in. "What are you doing here?" I asked as a smile spread across my face. " I needed to see you!" right then, he kissed me. It was the best thing ever! I wish I could relive that moment one million times. "I think I'll leave you two here" said Mrs. Brooks, then she leaned to my ear and whispered in my ear, "Here's some money for the shoes, have fun on your date. Hope it's amazing, he seems like a dreamboat!" Then she giggled, walked out and waved.

          Daniel and I went in tons of shoe stores and I finally got the perfect pair. They were red heels, and the were as soft as velvet. I can't wait for tonight. I didn't show Daniel the dress though, I want it to be a surprise. I still don't know if I need to wear a dress though. Just in case,I'm going to pack a pair of jeans and a tee. I CAN'T WAIT!

       Daniel is going to drop me off at my house so I can get ready, then he's going to pick me up so we can go to the secret destination. I need to text Lanie and see how she's doing with the evil queen and her evil minion. I texted her, " How's it going?" then her reply was, " Why does it matter, it's not like your my friend anymore!" Who does she think she is? Apparently not my best friend. "I'm confused! You are supposed to be my best friend! What made you think that I'm not your friend anymore? Last time I checked, You ditched me to hang out with them." This brought me to tears, does she realize everything we've been through? The things we've done to come this far? Then she just throws it all away for Airabella and Alex? UGHHHH!

                                                                               DATE TIME

           I'm all dolled up and ready to go! Just then I got another text from Daniel. It said, "Look out your window" I looked out and saw Daniel in a tux with roses. I guess that I was right about the dress. I ran downstairs to him. He kissed me on the cheek and escorted me to the car. We took a long drive trough the countryside. Then we stopped at a restaurant, it seemed pretty fancy. We walked in and Daniel got us a table. This restaurant was like one you would see out of a movie, all the fancy chandeliers and  waiters in tuxes. " This is too much. It's not fit for us, it's too...too...too fancy." Said Daniel, "What do you mean?" I said. "I mean lets go, we've already ate. I have someplace special." "Ok, sounds great" A smile spread across my face.

         We drove back through the countryside and stopped at a grass field that looked over  a river. It was not sunset and almost dark. Daniel laid out a blanket, I guess to lay on. then he went behind his truck and changed. He came out in jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. I was blushing, and don't ask me why I was. Then we laid on the blanket and looked at the stars, and I vented all little, ok, a lot. I cried and he held me tight to his chest. I'm pretty sure I got mascara all over his sweatshirt.

       Then we drove back to my house. When we got there, he walked me up to my door and kissed me on the forehead "What are you going to do now?" he asked me "Probably go to bed, it's been a long day." "Oh, ok." he said depressed. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, bye. Love you, Mya." " Tonight was great, thanks for a fun time, and I love you too, Daniel."

        I went up to my room and laid in my bed in cried for a good half an hour. Then I got another text from Daniel. It said, "Goodnight gorgeous." I stopped crying.

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