I know what im doing

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I could tell he was offended. He was expecting me to blush and squeak and be bashful like his little cute, innocent doll. Heh. Little does he know that I know way more then he expects of me. And I was okay with that, seeing as it gave me a chance to throw him off-guard and surprise him.
"Nice? That was nice? That's it?" He asked me.
I chuckled at him and then shimmied my shoulders a bit, getting comfortable with my back on the grass. "That's what I said, AJ," I replied. "Is that not the answer you were expecting?"
He growled. Growled. And then crawled over to me and climbed on me suddenly- straddling my waist and making me blush instantly.
Pushed it too far, Oliver.
Way To go.
"Since you don't seem to be impressed by that kiss, what should I do to make up for it?" He cooed.
I blinked, unable to speak at the feeling of his solid form lean in so close to me. "U-Um- I..."
He smirked again, laughing at how easily he made me so flustered. Oh my gosh he is so hot when he smirks like that and he has wonderful eyes and his lips are warm and he-
"See something you like, Doll?"
Thoroughly sick of his teasing, I took in a small breath before setting my mind to the task at hand: make him blush.
Slowly, I nodded and let my lips curl into a small smile before licking my bottom one. "Everything I like, actually."
He raised an eyebrow at that and-if it was possible-his smirk grew even wider. He lowered himself so his face was inches from mine, his body still hovering over me.
"Well I feel like I should make up for the last kiss, since you weren't completely blown away by it. So, how about I try again?"
I closed my eyes for a moment in thought before opening them and looking him in the eyes, a small smile on my lips as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "How about I try this time, Love?"
He blinked quickly but before he could respond, I grabbed the collar of his shirt quickly and pulled his lips down to meet mine.

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