Jeydon's Little Crush ~ Kyle

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I took a deep breath and pressed "upload." I watched as the Kohnnie kiss was uploaded to our channel and watched as it reached 301 views in literally two minutes. Smiling, I turned off my laptop and looked around, bored. I kind of wanted to go penny boarding, but after last night I didn't want to risk being recognized.

I looked at the people in the room. Johnnie and Bryan had gone back to their place, and Alex had also left. Jordan, Jeydon, Amber, Cathie, and Shannon were still here though. We were at my house, so we were near the new path that I loved to penny board on. I really wanted for someone to come with me, though.

Once my eyes landed on Jeydon, I remembered that he also had a penny board. "Hey, Jeydon?"

Jeydon looked up at me. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go penny boarding with me?" I asked.

"Sure, let me go get her," Jeydon replied.

Cathie gave him a weird look and I couldn't help but laugh. Jeydon was always calling inanimate objects "her." I walked over to the corner of the room to get my penny board before sitting back down. While I waited for Jeydon, I looked over at Amber, who was scrolling her phone until Shannon came up.

"Hi!" Shannon said cheerfully, making me wonder why she wasn't all tired and groggy like most hungover people.

Amber looked up at her and I saw her cheeks become tinted with pink. "U-um...hi..."

I remembered yesterday night when Shannon had pulled Amber away from our conversation and started kissing her. I grinned and watched them.

"You okay? You seem nervous," Shannon mused.

"I-I'm fine," Amber replied, her cheeks still pink.

I decided to jump in and help Amber, again. "You kissed her!"

Shannon looked at me in surprise, her own cheeks getting pink. "O-oh. I did?"

Cathie looked up from where she was sitting and started laughing as both Shannon and Amber blushed. I looked over to see Jeydon with his penny board, grinning stupidly. "Jordan's passed out in your bed, Kyle."

I laughed. "He'll be fine. He's probably hungover from last night." I looked over at Amber and wiggled my eyebrows, causing her to bite back a smile and blush more. I grinned at her and then got up with Jeydon.

"Are we going to that path from your video?" Jeydon asked.

I nodded and we both walked out, setting our penny boards down and starting to cruise along the street. We talked about small stuff, occasionally being interrupted by neighbors who greeted me. I waved back to them and Jeydon would awkwardly look down.

By the time we got to the path, we had run out of things to talk about. I racked my brains for something that we could talk about from last night. I looked over at him with a smirk.

"So, Cathie, huh?" I teased.

He looked over at me with wide eyes, and I could see a tint of pink to his cheeks. "Huh?"

"Cathie. You like her," I replied plainly with a cheeky grin.

"Um...I don't..." He stared at me with panicked eyes and I laughed, shaking my head at him. He sighed and gave me a small smile. "Okay, okay. I do. Just a little bit."

"Mhmm," I said, cruising along on the quiet, deserted path.

"Really!" Jeydon protested, his cheeks bright pink at this point.

"Okay, okay. I believe you," I lied.

I heard him sigh in relief and we glided along in silence for a while. I could tell Jeydon was thinking, so I didn't try to interrupt his thoughts. He turned to me with a grin.

"Remember Jordan and Amber yesterday night?" He asked.

I smiled uncontrollably, remembering Jordan pulling her close and about to kiss her. I saw that she had needed help, though, since she was way too nice to reject him, especially when he was drunk. "Yeah. That was so adorable."

"They definitely belong together," Jeydon said.

"Yeah. Her and Shannon are cute, too, but Amber with Jordan would literally be the cutest couple ever," I replied.

"Yeah. Maybe as cute as you and Johnnie," Jeydon cooed.

I immediately stopped talking, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "We-we aren't a couple."

"Dude. It's so obvious. The way you kissed yesterday?"

"That was for the video."

"I meant yesterday night."

"Johnnie was drunk."

"You kissed back."

I looked away, knowing my face was red. "We aren't a couple."

I pulled my beanie down and glanced at my bracelets, feeling my heart beat faster at the thought of Johnnie. I had it bad, and now both Jeydon and Amber knew it. Did everyone else know, too?

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to, dude," Jeydon offered.

I looked up hopefully. "Really?"


I grinned. "Thanks, dude."

"No problem," He replied as we turned around on the path and began to penny board back to my house.

We stayed like that, silent and cruising along the smooth path until I broke the silence. "Hey, Jey?"

"Yeah?" He asked, looking down at his feet and his penny board.

"Are you going to make a move on Cathie anytime soon?" I asked.

I could tell he was blushing. "W-what?"

"Dude, you can't just gawk at her from a distance for the rest of your life," I told him.

"I know..." He said, looking over at me with confused eyes. "I just don't know if she likes me back."

"Why don't you ask Amber?" I suggested.

He stared at me, surprised. "Amber?"

"Yeah. She is her best friend, after all. She's bound to know Cathie's crush, so..." I trailed off and he grinned, nodding.

"Okay, I'll do that."

"Great," I gave him a cheeky grin. "And while you're at it, how about you ask Amber if she has any feelings for Jordan? I can convince him to kiss her, and we can get them together.

"Sure--but what if they don't like each other?" Jeydon asked hesitantly.

"Jey, did you see Jordan last night? And the redness of Amber's blush--it's obvious, they're totally into each other," I explained.

He still hesitated. "But you did have to stop him from kissing her because she didn't want it to happen..."

"She refused to drink, I think she might have a problem with alcohol or something. And he was drunk, so maybe she wanted to know if he really felt that way about her," I suggested.

He thought about for a while, and I let him, both of us falling silent. After a while, he nodded, grinning widely. "I'll do it."

"Great! I'll talk to Jordan about it. And by the way..." Jeydon looked at me expectantly as we closed the final blocks to my house. "Don't forget about Cathie." I winked at him.

He blushed again and jumped off his penny board, picking it up. I did the same, and we walked back into the house, where Jeydon went to find Amber and I went to find Jordan.

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