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Matthew💎😎: hey bby how are you ☺️❤️

Matthew💎😎: babygirllllllllllll

Matthew💎😎: why aren't you answering me

Matthew💎😎: babygirl why aren't you answering me😅

Matthew💎😎: I'm sorry

Matthew💎😎: I love you❤️❤️❤️

Matthew💎😎: I'm sorry if I did something idiotic

Me: don't worry Matt I love you a lot I could never be mad at you and btw you saying babygirl makes me get buterflies I love you pizza and its all good🍕

Matthew: goodness and impossible I love you more❤️🍟

I felt the couch sink next to me

•Johnson's pov•

I was bored talking to the guys

I went to go see what y/n was up to

I quietly sat down

I looked at who she was texting Matthew

Probably Espinosa

I just sat and looked at her text Matt

Y/n: I love you Matthew lee Espinosa and it is totally not impossible for me to love you more because I do☺️❤️

Did she really just say she loved Matt

I'm broken

I really can't


Why did I have to like a girl that was way out of my league


Y/n's is gonna be like all gilinskys a total player and heartbreaker

Ugh why did i fall for a gilinsky

Out of all the people

I knew it was wrong

But why did I do it

Was it because of y/n's smile

Or was it her laugh

Or her confidence

Or was it the way she's crosses her arms when she's mad

Or maybe all of the above
How is you feeling
Gucci or Walmart brand
For the people that feel Gucci
Yeahhhhh for youuu😎👍🏽
Walmart brand
I love you the boys love you and the thing that gets me every time I wanna hurt myself is...
That ever human being does have someone that loves you or will love you
And if you commit suicide then one special person doesn't get the amazing powerful strong you😍
I love you☺️💛

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