Chapter 1

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*James' POV*

Sometimes I loved partying with the boys but sometimes I really didn't. It's fun when the boys who don't have girlfriends decide to have a little fun but when they decide to go on the search for a girl it no longer becomes fun for me. I don't want to have to search for a girl, I want it to be almost like love at first sight. The boys who did have girlfriends were fun sometimes but only when they were without the girls. I mean yeah Gi, Georgia and Izzy were lovely but on nights out they weren't exactly fun.

On this particular night Tom had brought Gi and Harry had brought Izzy, fun. Danny and Matt had gone searching for girls which left just Dougie and I.

"Drink?" I asked him.
"Yeah go on then mate" he nodded.
I walked over to the bar, ordered our drinks and sat back down again, handing Dougie's drink to him.
"What's your plan for tonight then?" I said just as music starting playing, brilliant.
"You what?" Dougie shouted.
"What are your plans for tonight?" I yelled over the Grease Mega Mix.
"I'm not really su-" he cut off "OOO I LOVE THIS BIT" he yelled as he jumped off his chair and started dancing and singing to Greased Lightning.
I sighed and hid my head in my hands out of embarrassment, many people in the club were staring, sometimes I worry about this boys sanity.

It wasn't too bad because at least Dougie can sing. We're in a band, not a famous band, just a group of friends. There's six of us, Danny, Tom, Matt, Dougie, Harry and I (James). Danny, Tom and I are all lead singers and we all play the guitar, Matt and Dougie are the bassists, Matt's also a lead singer but I would say Dougie's more of a backing singer. Harry is our drummer, he doesn't sing. On stage anyway. The bands name is McBusted, I don't really know why we chose that, we could've been a bit more inventive but apparently not. We play in our local pub every Saturday night. We mainly sing covers but every now and then we do originals. As a band we like to mess around and write songs and we've got some pretty good ones written, we just don't have anywhere to put them or anything we can do with them. They're just there.

As the Grease Mega Mix finished another song started that I didn't know and clearly neither did Dougie as he wondered back from the dance floor to rejoin me.
"Sorry that was important" he laughed "what were you saying?"
"I can't remember, I was too busy being embarrassed by you that I forgot" I joked.
"Was I really that bad?" he raised his eyebrows.
"Oh definitely!" I winked, well I tried to wink, I can't but I tried, this sent Dougie into a laughing fit.

Two minutes later and Dougie was still laughing at my incapability to wink.
"Dougie chill" I said but unfortunately my body automatically went to wink, which made Dougie laugh harder, he was laughing so hard he fell off the chair he was sitting on straight onto the floor, he managed to knock a glass over at the same time causing most people to look over at us. When will the embarrassment end?

I picked Dougie up off the floor and helped him back into his seat.
"You alright?" I yelled over the music.
"Yeah fine thanks" he shouted back.
"You're such a liability to take out, you're so embarrassing" I shouted while laughing.
"Whoopsie" Dougie laughed.
I guess I could spend my night talking to Dougie.

We chatted about everything and anything for the next twenty minutes or so until we changed to the subject of what we were going to play in our local pub tomorrow. We tend to vary our set list every week to keep the regulars interested.

We decided to best have this conversation we should go outside so we're not shouting over the music.

We exited the club and went out into the cool summer air, it always gets so hot in the club but you tend not to notice.

We found a wall and perched on it.
"You know that song we wrote the other day?" Dougie asked.
"5 colours?" I replied.
"Yeah, I was thinking maybe we could try that out" he suggested.
"Ooh yeah that sounds like a good idea" I said.
"I like the song" he replied.
"Me too, I was thinking maybe 'King' by Years And Years?" I asked.
"Yeah I like playing that one" Dougie said.
This conversation went on for a while until we'd decided on a set list, so much for partying.

We decided to head back inside to see what was happening. As we opened the doors we saw Gi and Izzy sitting at our table drinking and chatting, they'd probably come for a break from dancing in heels. We wandered over to the table stopping at the bar to get drinks on the way past.

"Before you sit down Dougie I saw a girl over there, she seems like your type" Gi said, while pointing to a blonde girl in a short purple dress and high heels, definitely Dougie's type.
"Thanks Gi" Dougie smiled "I'll go talk to her" and with that he left me with Gi and Izzy, brilliant.

I engaged in conversation with them for a bit but eventually they changed the subject of the conversation to some makeup blog I wasn't interested in.

I sighed deeply, all the boys were out dancing or flirting, do I go try engage in that or do I just go home? Truth is I'm not that much of a partier, I'd much prefer to be at home with my guitar.

We were all expecting to leave the club at different times but due to being drunk we all usually go to Danny's house after as it's the closest. That was fine by me, it was only slightly awkward when one of the boys brought a girl home and things got dirty.

I might just go back to Danny's now and use his little music room and guitars. Who do I tell though? Or do I just not tell anyone and leave? I'm sure no-one will miss me. It would be useless telling Gi or Izzy because they usually go back to Izzy's house as that's the closest for them.

I tried to find the boys in the room by scanning the room. The only person I could see was Tom, he was probably the most sensible actually so maybe telling him was the best idea. I fought my way through the crowds of people on the dance floor until I reached Tom.

"Ah James, have you seen Gi?" he shouted.
"Yeah she's at the table" I replied "but I'm going back to Danny's now so I'll see you later" I informed him.
"So soon?" he asked, I nodded in response "Alright well stay safe" he said.
"Will do" I responded as I started fighting my way back towards the door.

I walked down the street in the direction of Danny's house. Upon reaching the house I could see a silhouette hovering my the doorstep, I wonder who that could be. As I got closer I could start to make out the longer hair and slim figure, it must be Georgia, surely she has her own key even though she doesn't live here, why is she sat on the doorstep?

"Georgia is that you?" I called out into the darkness.
"Yeah, who's that?" she asked.
"It's James" I said as I got closer "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah everything's fine, I just had a bit of a spat with my roommate so I thought I'd come here but I left my key at home"
"Oh god you must be freezing, hang on while I find my key" we all have keys for each other's houses for emergency situations and just general times like this. I found my keys and unlocked the door, I held the door open for Georgia and followed her in.
"I'll just go find one of Danny's hoodies or something" she called as she ran up the stairs.

I made myself comfy on the sofa, I guess I was going to be spending the rest of the night with Georgia rather than in the music room.

Hi, welcome to my new fanfic! I'm sorry for the slightly rubbish first chapter but I wasn't sure how to introduce the story, hopefully it'll get more interesting. Feel free to vote and share with friends. If you could leave feedback that'd be amazing!

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