The next morning; an invitation

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I never thought I would  get this far in a story.

Levi's Pov
I sat down at my computer monitor and transferred the JPEG of the girl I had seen at the bar last night. The computer ran the picture through a database coming up with a dozen personal files. The rest I had to do manually. I ran through the list and selected a girl with a messy brown bun and goofy glasses.

"Hanji Zoe" I said to my self.

Hanji's Pov
I woke up with pain that felt more like a earthquake then a headache. I rolled over in my bed. "How did I get here" I wondered out loud. I answered my own question in my head thinking "one of my friends must have taken me home."
Not wanting to take the effort of seeing who I fell back asleep feeling like shit.

My eyes slowly opened to see an alarm clock that read 11:30 am. My mind took a moment to fully register the time "crap" I sat up in bed mentally kicking myself  "I have a class to get to" I frantically grabbed my stuff and ran to my class.

Levi's Pov
I picked up my phone pressing the answer button. "Levi speaking" I said wondering who this was, there was no caller ID.
"Why always so formal" he said
"Oh" I responded "it's you"
"Don't get to exited"
"So, what's the job"
"Right to business as usual"
"What's the job, I don't like repeating myself"
His tone lost all traces of joking around "A man named Balto, a lord actually he will be attending a masquerade ball tonight at the royal ball room. The theme is birds, dress to the occasion."
I scoffed "tch, birds, really"
"I know it's not ideal but this is a big job, lots of cash involved."
I hung up the phone and started to prepare an arsenal of weapons for the ball"

Hanji's Pov
After class had ended her science professor came up to her
"stay back, I'd like to talk to you" he said
"Crap I am so in trouble" though Hanji. "You wanted to see me" she said
He handed her a slip of paper, fearing the worst she turned it over but to her surprise it was a invitation to a masquerade ball at the royal ball room.
"I thought it would be good if you where to meet some of the important people there" he said  "many scientists and professors will be attending"
"I'm honored, thank you so much"
I left while pondering the problem of what to wear

Hey, I hope you liked that chapter. What's gonna happen next. I have no idea. I kinda just been winging the plot. What will happen at the ball read the next chapter to find out.

An assassin and a Biology major (LeviHan)Where stories live. Discover now