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The night before the day that repeated itself, Ashley did go outside, and this is a fact that Gavin was sure to point out on that morning in question. It was very unlike her to do such a thing, go outside so late at night that is; all the same it was something she felt compelled to do. It had been dark, very dark, and late as afore mentioned. The compulsion to go outside took her back to that tree she loves so much. She climbed then just sat in that darkness and waited. She would soon hear exactly what it is that she had expected to hear, her dead fathers voice.

'Everything is alright my dear, do not worry for it will all work out in the end. Do not speak of this to anyone, not just yet. The time will come when I will need you to speak out, and that time will be relatively soon but until then I just need you to be you.'

That was it, nothing more would be or had been said but how could anything be said at all? She hadn't seen her dad on this occasion, it was just his voice she'd hear. Ashley understood, well she understood to a degree what it was that was happening, so silent she would remain, at least until such a time where things can become a little bit clearer. Patience is something which sits a lot more comfortably with Ashley than what it could ever do with Gavin especially with what might be at stake.

If things were not strange enough already, then they were about to get at least a fair bit stranger. Rita comes down the stairs of the family home feeling good about herself, feeling happy. These feelings are a rare thing with Rita still adapting to the loss of her husband despite the fact fourteen months have passed since his death. Such a loss is never so easy to move on from, though at this point in time, Rita did indeed feel good.

It is almost as if that repeated day has never happened or any other subsequent day after the first time the repeated day played out. There was no memory of it or of either of her children having been missing for any length at all; no memory that is until such point that Rita enters the family kitchen for indeed a previous moment was about to be repeated.

As Rita moved through the hallway heading toward the kitchen, she could hear commotion which could only be coming from the twins.

'Now, now you two, play nice' she says, and that realization does hit.

That day, the day the missing occurs, is happening yet again, it is repeating yet again and like before it is not just Rita who has that realization. Gavin thinks quick and on his feet.

'Right, we all know something is going on right here and mom, you seem to know what is happening or at least part of what is happening so please don't keep us in the dark.'

Outside Mike honks his car horn twice.

'I guess that'll be Mike' speaks Rita.

'Forget about Mike ... before we all end up going through this morning again.'

'Alright guys, what it is that each of us have is some kind of warning system. It is such a difficult thing to explain but something has gone wrong or is about to go wrong and in a roundabout way.'

'Roundabout way, what does that mean?' asks Gavin as Ashley sits quietly and continues eating her breakfast.

There is another honk on the car horns outside and Gavin's impatience grows as does Mike's apparently.

'Whatever this warning system is trying to warn us about, both of you need to get on that school bus. Right now, it is as good a place as any to begin getting answers. We or more like you two are being called upon.'

Gavin pauses for a moment and looks his mum in the eyes, then grabs his things and gives his mum a kiss on the cheek. 'Love you mom', Gavin heads outside and explains to Mike that he will see him again at some later time.'

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