Trust Me I Can Be Prankstar.

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“Yes sir.”

“Bring me a glass of water.”

“Okay sir.”


“Yes sir.”

“Bring me another one please!”

“Okay sir.”


“Yes sir.”

“Bring me another one!”

“But sir, what are you doing with all this water?”

“lee, are you insane? Can’t you see the bookcase is on fire?

and hell broke loose. i am a girl of many talents pranking peaple  being one of them if you want to read the latest pranks and jokes i have pulled many pranks on peaple including my teachers, friends, peaple on the street, class mates, everyone i can think of peaple came across me as bad girl but in reality iam the nicest person you can meet actually isn't supposed to be devil? dont know read to find out.

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