She ran through the alley, dodging trash bags and dumpsters. Behind her the horde shuffled and groaned. Rain drenched her and made puddles on the ground. Her foot landed in one and sent water everywhere. She was winded, she had been hiding out in an abandoned house but she cut herself on a piece of broken glass, attracting the horde. She looked over her shoulder, they were still following her. Blood dripped down her arm. She had a piece of cloth around the cut but it did not stop the bleeding. She turned her head around just in time to see a fire-escape in front of her. She ran into the fire-escape head on knocking her onto her back. Her head ached, she reached up and felt her forehead. It stung as she touched it. She brought her hand down and saw blood on her fingers. She got up slowly and continued to run. The groans from the horde were getting closer. She could see the hospital far out in front of her. She had to get there.
She continued down the alley. Farther down the alley there was a chain link fence. She had to jump it if she wanted to get to the street. She put her foot in one of the holes in the chain link fence. She started to climb. Her arm was killing her. Blood dripped down the fence. She ,ade it to the top as the group of zombies crowded the fence. She jummped down onto the other side of the fence. She landed awkwardly on her foot. A peircing scream escaped from her lips. She felt the bone in her leg snap. The zombies on the other sdie of the fence pressed hungrily against it. Tears rand down her face as she cradled her leg. A couple zombies on the road heard the scream and were attracted to the bleeding and broken body of the girl.They shuffled over to her as she lay on the ground. All she could do was watch. Zombies were appearing everywhere, attracted to the smell of bllod