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~About Half a sweep Later~

Equius POV

~Visiting Nepeta~

D--> I am g0ing t0 Nepeta's hive t0 visit.

D--> I h0pe she likes what I'm bringing f0r her.

D--> It is blue, 0f c0urse and it g0es with her me0w beast theme.

D--> I st0p infr0unt 0f a cave with 0live surr0unding the entrance

D--> I peek inside and see a slim young tr0ll painting the cave wall

D--> She was wearing an 0live jacket s0 I assume it is her.

D--> There can't be t00 many 0live bl00ds ar0und here, can there?

'D--> Nepeta?'

D--> She jumps and turns ar0und

D--> Her eyes light up as they rec0gnize me

'<:33 EQUIUS?!'

'D--> Nepeta.'

D--> She runs and hugs me

D--> She d0esn't have her gl0ves 0n s0 she can d0 this freely

'D--> I missed y0u t00.'

D-->I place my hand 0n her back

'D-->I've br0ught s0mething...'

'<:33 What is it?!'

D--> I smile and take my backpack 0ff, making her release me

D-- I unzip the largest p0cket and pull out a blue hat

':33 Equius. You didn't.'

'D--> Nepeta. I did.'

'<:33 Ohmigod Ohmigod Ohmigod!'

D--> she jumped up and d0wn in e%citement

D--> I pull 0ut a blue tail and she g0es crazy.

'<:33 Equius! OhmigodOhmigodOhmigod! Equius!!!'

D--> I shift the tail making the mechanical parts m0ve

D--> she pounces at me, embracing me, making us fall 0n the gr0und


D--> I chuckel

'D--> I w0uld als0 like to show y0u the blue gl0ves I made...'

':33 You made more?!'

D--> she rem0ves herself fr0m me

D--> I take 0ut the blue fingerless gloves

D--> She hugs me again

A/n I Felt Like Writing An Extra Cute Chapter.

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