Meeting Shino

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Ayanami's P.O.V

I was sitting on the steps of the stairs in the front room where the door was and had one of the cookie's in my petite, tiny, adorable hands that my mom had made. You could smell the cookie's from a mile way. My mom was getting her things ready for her mission "How long will you be gone?", I asked in a soft quiet tone. "A couple of months at the least it is a A rank mission, and while I'm gone a chunin is going to watch over you okay?", She said. "Okay", I said the same tone to my voice (It's just how I talk) After I said that the doorbell rang it's chime. "He's here" My mom said going to the door to greet him (apparently). "Come in Shino thank you for helping I'll be back in a couple of months at the least" She said. "It is not a problem" Shino said. Shino had Black glasses on, a black coat, with a chunin vest over that, a green open over coat thing over both of them, shinobi pants that go to above his ankle, bandages going from the bottom of his pants to his ninja sandals. He looked super mysterious. "Well Ayanami this is Shino Aburame of the Aburame clan, a Chunin, and the person babysitting you. Shino this is my daughter Ayanami the child you will be babysitting. I've got to go I need to meet up with the team I love you Ayanami" My mom said. "I love you too Oka-chan be safe good luck" I said with the same tone I always speak with. With that she left. We stared at eachother for awhile. "Would you like a cookie Shino-san?" I asked softly playing with the cookie in my hands and shyly looking down but peaking my eyes up. "No thank you and you may call me Shino if you wish" he said still looking at me. "Ok Shino" I said and started eating my cookie. When I finished I walked into the kitchen to put the cookies away with shino following but the wrap to cover the cookies was up to high for me to reach. Shino grabbed the wrap and handed it to me "Arigato" I softly said with a small smile. He just nodded. I wrapped the cookies and put them on the counter. "would you like to go out to the garden's to look for insects?" I asked looking up at him. He stood there for a second seemly in shock. "You like insects?" he asked. "yes they are beautiful in there own way and help us in there own way too" I said softly, shrugging shyly. He put one of his large hands on my small head patting it. "Then let us go to the gardens" He said. I nodded and lead the way outside into the big garden and we started searching for insects.

---who knows how many hours later---

"I think we should head inside to have dinner" he said."That's a good idea" I said with the same tone I always speak with, nodding. So he picked me and put me on his hip, sense he could somehow tell my feet hurt from all the running and walking I did, and walked through the garden into the house and to the kitchen and put me on one of the stools we have for when we sit at the island. "What should we have for dinner?" he asked me. "How about garden salad?" I said. He nodded his head in agreement and we got up and went to the fridge to get the things we need."So what's it like to house bugs in your body? was it alway's that way?" , I asked. "It feels normal to me, I have them as long as I've remembered", he said with a trace of suprise at my question. "What is it like to use keys, beyblades , spirits, all of moves and summonings your clan does?" Shino asked sounding curious. "It's really interesting to be honest, and has some amusing moments" I said with a sight smile on my face remembering a time when I summoned Leo when he was in the middle of changing and didn't have a shirt on..It was awkward. "how so?", he asked with a raised eyebrow. "Well one time during training I summoned Leo and he was apparently in the middle of changing and he didn't have a shirt on. It was awkward. He went back to put on a shirt then came back and we acted as if nothing happened and continued training. but looking back on it, it's pretty funny", I said. He chuckled "Thet does seem amusing in someways", he admitted. I made a noise of agreement. The salad was put together and then it was eaten and plates were put away. We then sat on the couch in the living room and made small talk. I was half asleep when Shino picked me up, walked upstairs, and searched a bit then found my bedroom, sat me down, grabbed me some pjs, dressed me in those then tucked me in. "the gust bedroom is next door" I said drowsly pointing to the left. He nodded wished me goodnight and walked out. I let the blissfulness of sleep consume me in a dark abyss.

Babysat by an Aburame?! Shino x Child OCWhere stories live. Discover now