Chapter 1

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Ane’s P.O.V.

“Ane?  Ane?!  Get in the car, we’re gonna be late for school!”  Emily had yelled from downstairs.

I realized I was late for school.  I got up and changed quickly.

                We were going to a new school.  We always moved state to state, continent to continent, before anyone noticed Emily was not aging.  This was life.

“You have to get used to this.  When you reach maturity, you’ll keep goin’, no stopping.  Unless, you wanna be the dumbest vampire in history!”  Emily yelled.  Oh, how I hated it when she uses that word so casually.  Vampire.  Ugh.  I don’t really consider myself a vampire.  Not technically.

I ran downstairs and stood beside Emily. 

“You should have hurried.  My contact lenses are dissolving.  By the time we arrive there, they will be completely dissolved.”  She complained.  Her eyes are red, but she was wearing black contact lenses that were dissolving due to the venom in her eyes, making her eyes a nice shade of purple.

“Did you know your eyes are a very nice shade of purple?”  I complimented.

“It’s the contacts.  Get in the car, or I’m leavin’ ya.” She said.

I chuckled at her irritated self.  “Sure, sure.”  I got in the passenger side of her black Mini Cooper as Emily started the car.

Adrian’s P.O.V.

U kno we have a new student @ skoo 2day? Joshua texted right when I was about to leave the house.

How do you know?  I text back.

I just saw her :)  he replies.

Eh. Dnt care. Cul8r.  I text back.

Rnt u interested?  She’s pretty hot ;)  Joshua.

Nope.  I shut my phone and turn it off.

                For the rest of the day at school, I had a normal day.  When I’m walking to third, hour, I catch a scent.  Very different, not a human smell, or even close to animal.  It was very strong—like vampire.  There were a couple of vampires attending this school, but this scent was one I did not recognize.

                I ran towards the restroom, slipped into a stall, and speed dialed Leih.

“What?”  Leih answered on the second ring.

“Didyoucatchthatscent?”  I asked Leih in one breath.

“The new vampires’?”  He asks.

“Yeah, there seems to be a new one.”  I say.

“No, two new ones.”  He says.

What!  You mean there’s more?!”  I asked, half yelling by now.

“Don’t worry, they’re harmless.  I already spoke to the leader.”

“You did?  Does Demetri know yet?”

“Yeah.  We’re keeping an eye on them.  Even if the leader says they’re harmless, who knows if they’re telling the truth.”


“Keep an eye on the other one, though.  It seems pretty young.  We believe it can’t control itself and could attack more easily.”

“Sure, thing.  How does it look like?”  I asked.

“Um…female, short, and uh…cute.  Ugh.”  It sounded like he shivered in disgust.  Al vampires were good looking.  Ugh.  I shivered at that thought.

“That’s very descriptive,”  I say in sarcasm.  “Anything else?  Like what’s she wearing?”  I asked.

“Well, she’s wearing a the Casualties shirt.  You won’t miss her.  She smells and looks like any other vampire.”  He replies.

“Oka-ay.”  I roll my eyes.

“Gotta go.  I’m gonna be late for class.”

“Oh, right.”  I hang up, shoving my phone in my pocket, and also head towards class.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2011 ⏰

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