chapter three

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So I thought I'd add a little more, its kind of ended in the middle of nowhere but yeah... read if you like it and please comment to let me know because I have no comments :) Thanks!! x

          The rest of the training consisted of washing strangers clothes, including dirty underwear, and then we were shown how all beds must be made. The last thing they did was give us all what they called The Kit. It had a toothbrush in, toothpaste, tiny shampoo bottles, soap, a razor and some tampons. We got told that it must last us 3 months, and I knew that it wouldn’t. How was 50ml of shampoo meant to last three months? It would last me about a month at home. Well at least they gave us something, I guess it could have been worse and we could have gotten nothing at all.

          That night we were in the dorms again, and tomorrow we would be assigned to our two men. I was terrified and had a very bad night.  I woke abruptly again to the clashing and we were shuffled into the cold showers again and then got sent to a huge cabin which was long and the air felt stale. No one talked; it felt like no one was even breathing. I was shaking and it wasn’t because of the cold.

          After about 15 minutes of standing in a room with about 50 other girls, all looking identical a man in a white suit came stomping into the cabin, making a racket and holding a list.

          ‘I am here to give you directions as to who you will be assisting for the next couple of months while these important men train. I will tell you a hut/room number and that is where you will do when I dismiss you. Okay?’ We all nodded. ‘Good right. Tamara Ellington 1. Sally Gosforth 2. Addison Leigh 3…’

           The list continued and I paid attention making sure not to miss my name, because I knew that if I did it would reflect in some server consequences. Finally it came ‘Emma Branson 32.’ I held the number in my head and waited for the man to finish. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. 32. Don’t forget.

          When I found hut 32 I felt relief, I don’t know why I just did. I knocked loudly on the door, waited for reply then entered the hut. It was larger than the ones we were in yesterday. It appeared to have two divisions, there was a bored in the middle separating the two beds, then from that there was a sofa, a small pile of books resting on a table, I could see a gun propelled up against the wall and there was a small kitchen as well as a door which must lead off into the bathroom I assumed, as well as another door which I guessed was where I would sleep.

          ‘Yes?’ One of the men asked while I stood just in from the door way. He looked charming but troublesome, he had ruffled brown hair and strong blue eyes, he was dressed in a uniform of green and was reading a book.

          ‘Hi, I’m you’re new maid… I got send here. Hut 32?’ I stuttered, very nervously.

          ‘Oh right, yes. Come in. I’m Tim and this is Joe.’ He said, pointing to his friend who was lounging on his bed, blonde hair, and matching uniform.  I walked forward awkwardly a little and closed the door behind me. I didn’t know how to act. I got told the men wouldn’t be here much of the time except food times.

          ‘Erm…so what are you two wanting for lunch? Have you had breakfast?’ I asked nervously.

          ‘Yeah we’ve had breakfast’ Tim said, smiling nicely. ‘What can you make well?’

          ‘Erm I’m pretty good at making lasagne, cottage pie, tuna bake, Stir Fry…any of those sound good?’ I asked, trying my best to be polite.

          He looked toward his house mate and then said to me ‘I think we’ll go with the Cottage Pie for tea, and can you just make some sandwiches for lunch?’

          ‘Of course.’ I replied, and walked toward the kitchen.

          ‘We’re going to train now; we’ll be back at 12 make sure the sandwiches are made?’ Joe said sternly, then they left.

          I sighed in relief when they left, but I still felt like I was being watched. I went and checked out what was in the fridge…nothing. What could I do? I needed bread, butter and some filling. I also needed mince and peas and potatoes. I decided I would go and find one of the leaders, they will tell me where I can get supplies. I left the hut to find a man in a white suit after about 5 minutes of wandering about. ‘Hi, hello!’ I shouted.

          ‘Yes?’ He asked.

          ‘Hi, erm where can I get supplies? I need like food to make.’ I said forgetting my matters regretfully.

          ‘DON’T YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOUNG LADY!!’ He shouted and smacked me across the face. Then kicked me in the shin, making me fall to the ground. What the hell? Then he kicked me in the face and stomach then shouted ‘GET UP’ so I did.

          Standing hurt a lot and I tried not to show it on my face. Ouch. ‘Sorry Sir.’

          ‘That is better. Now what would you like?’

          ‘Yes Sir, please would you tell me where I could get some food to cook for lunch and tea? Thank you.’ I said, so terrified. From there he directed me to where I could pick up my three daily stock. I got what I needed and planned the other food I would cook for the next three days. The amount of food given really didn’t seem to be enough to feed Tim, Joe and me but I guess I’d be the one who missed out.

          Back in the hut I looked in the bathroom mirror; I looked awful. My hair was still nicely in its bun but I had a cut on my lip, and one down the side of my head near my ear. I managed to fix it up so that it was just a cut and there was little blood all over my face. My leg was only bruised and my stomach just ached. I hate this place I thought.

          When Tim and Joe came back for their lunch the bang of the door gave me such a shock. I wasn’t coping well here.

          They came through the door laughing and sat on the sofa. Tim smiled, but Joe did not. I came over to them and handed them their sandwiches and a cup of green tea each. They were sitting on the sofa when I handed the food, then walked away.

          ‘Dear God, what happened to your face?’ Tim asked, looking at me like he was genuinely concerned. Ha.

          ‘Oh erm…’ should I tell him? I guess it would be rude not to. ‘One of the men dressed in white did it to me. I was being rude. I shouldn’t have.’

          ‘What? That’s no excuse to do that to you! God! This place is ridiculous!’ Tim replied looking ashamed.

          ‘No it’s not. It’s a great place’ Joe said. ‘I bet she deserved it!’ He said giving me a dirty look. Once he said that I knew my place exactly. I was scum. I was a peasant to them. They couldn’t be my friends. They didn’t care if I got hit and ended up with a huge headache, which by the way I had, massively! I went to start tidying up. I didn’t want to vacuum because that meant noise and they mightn’t like that, so I decided to clean down the kitchen benches. Both Tim and Joe left about half an hour later and once they did I cleaned the living area, then went onto their sleeping area. Then I took the dirty clothes pile, even though it was rather small and took it to the cleaning place which I’d been told about when I went to get the food earlier. My face was throbbing but I had to work through the pain or I wouldn’t survive this. 

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