pills & potions

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i never knew pain before her. life was good for me, always had clothes on my back and food in my stomach. i didn't realize that people were living out on the streets or starving just outside my front door. my parents sheltered me from all evil, not religiously. it wasn't until freshman year in college where realization truly sunk in. i watched her eyes grow from gray to dull through those years of college.

i noticed her bones starting to perceiving through her skin and her smile unpretentiously decreasing. her eyes never seemed to catch mine as we both followed through our classes, her eyes following her feet as she walked the hallways. after college was done she disappeared into life, and she changed into something i knew i would never see again. until one day, a few years later as i worked my night shift at the pharmacy.

a girl around my age, hair all matted, face all dirty, walked into the shop as her head hung low. my eyes watched the petite girl as she walked up to the desk and placed a paper on the desk. i didn't recognize the young girl, my first assumption was she hung around the wrong crowd and got involved in the wrong things.

"what can i do for you love?" i asked, grabbing the folded paper. she didn't speak as i read over the prescription.

i took the paper and walked to where we held the pills, checking her name for the right amount of pills.

james, willow

my eyes bulged as i read the name over, grabbing her prescription and sealing it in the bag. the small blond girl stood at the same spot as before when i set the bag in front of her. she opened the bag and grabbed the pill bottle, shaking it a little before speaking.

"that's it?" her coarse voice spoke as she stared at me. i stood with my mouth slightly open as i nodded. she pressed her hands to her face in distress as my body flinched. she whispered to herself inaudible things before she shoved it back into the bag and ran off.

my eyes watched the doorway i last saw her as my chest heaved slightly. it's been three years since I've seen her, which makes her twenty-four. i sighed and waited around for another customer, preferably her.

i don't really like the prologue but the chapters will only get better and longer right?

this story will contain, sex, drugs, abuse, etc. if you are not comfortable with those subjects then please do not read because i wouldn't want to make any of you uncomfortable. i would like to say this would be in harry's point of view but im not 100% sure. this is not a usual story and it is not based on the song, pills & potions. yes there will be scenes where it may seem like it but it is not in my nature to base it off of the song.

willow is played by Nicola peltz, mainly with no makeup.

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