Chapter Four

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Part One (Dean's POV)

Dean and Benny played pool and ate together everyday around twelve. It was really fun. Dean could barely even remember the last time he's ha so much fun. Today, after Benny finished his work, they both decided to go swimming.

"So you a enjoy sitting on that floating mattress thing you're on?"

"Kind of, yeah. It's relaxing." Dean cooed and laughed, keeping his eyes closed as he floated around. His freckles were really noticeable with the sun shining on them.

"But isn't it really easy to flip over?"

"If you try hard enough I gu-" his eyes shot open "wait don't do what I think you're wanting to do." That only caused Benny to smirk.

"Come on, I wasn't planning on doing anything like this!" He started to flip the green blow up mattress up when Dean started waving his hands, a smile invading his face.

"No! Nonono don't do-" he couldn't finish his sentence before he was plummeted right into the cool clear water. He came up for air and wrapped his arms around the closest object near him. Which happened to be Benny's shoulders. Seeing that only made Dean's laughing fit increase to longer and louder. "You're a jerk." He joked around and shook his head.

"I couldn't help myself, it just looked so easy and well..." Benny laughed along with him, barely even noticing how close they were to each other until they calmed down and looked into each other's contrasting eyes again.

"Well, I... have an idea about what we could do tonight." Dean smiled and pulled away, looking down. His dark eyelashes were damp and clumped together and his hair was a wet mess. Benny found it absolutely beautiful. But he had to shove those thoughts out. He had Andrea. Even though she was out of town right now, doing business in Colorado, he still had her. He shouldn't think about anybody else.

"What's that?"

"Rent a few movies and stuff our faces full of ice cream and all the junk food Castiel has in his cabinets. Does that sound fun?"

"That sounds so much better than fun." Benny smiled and swam out if the pool, Dean following close behind him.

"This one is a classic. You can't tell me you've never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off." Benny held up one of his most favorite movies of all time.

"I rarely watched movies growing up so no, I haven't."

"Then we're definitely getting this one. Hm... what about this one?" He held up The Breakfast Club.

"Okay, that one I have seen. I'd hate to admit it but I think I teared up at the end."

"I think anybody with a heart teared up at the end. We're getting this one too." They both chuckled and Benny handed Dean both of the movies before turning around and seeing his girlfriend, Andrea outside the window with another man's arm around her. They were smiling and laughing and thy even kissed. Dean noticed as well and he felt like his throat dried up.

"Benny... Benny are you okay?" He asked but only got a few seconds of silence.

"I can't believe this... he ran out the exit and into the night. Dean didn't know what thy were saying since he was still standing in the video store but he knew it wasn't good. He watched as Benny confronted her in astonishment. She was frantically moving her hands as she tried to explain to him. Dean didn't step in until the other man started to look like he was going to punch Benny. He quickly set the movies on the self and ran outside.

"Hey! Stop it!" He shouted as he ran in the middle of the man and Benny, the punch landing right across his left cheek.

"Dean!" Was the last thing he heard before everything went black. The lunch must've had a ton of force behind it.

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