two / no show

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However far away you need to go, we'll go and we won't come back until you feel better.

The bluey-green eyed boys words hadn't stopped replaying in my head since yesterday. My stomach was sore and I wasn't sure whether it was from all the sugar I consumed last night or the weird gut feeling I had that Luke wasn't going to show up today either.

Again I had waited until I could no longer put up with the frustration inside me, I grabbed my keys and headed straight to my car. Breathe, I told myself resting my hands on the steering wheel. I put my phone on do not disturb before turning the key in the ignition.

However far away you need to go, we'll go and we won't come back until you feel better.

Let's go, I thought to myself. I drove for a short while, or until I didn't recognise the names of my surroundings. I parked the car and continued my temporary runaway on foot. Starbucks came into view and I contemplated on getting a caramel latte. I loved and hated Starbucks simply because I hated anything clichéd.

I decided on it anyway. I sat quietly people-watching and sipping my latte which was still a little too bitter for my taste buds, enjoying the taste of caramel though. I picked up my half filled cup and exited the café.

I didn't mind the chilled air against my skin, being frustrated and hurt usually limited my sense to feel anything else, so the cold against my skin reminded me that I could feel other things at the same time. I was thankful that the cup still radiated warmth for my hands.

"Alone again hey? But no tears this time," a strangely familiar voice spoke. My heart leaped at the sight of the brunette boy but I had no intention of showing that.

"Actually I was just on my way to see him," I lied.

"Oh," he cleared his throat before saying,"bad joke."

"Yeah, it wasn't very funny." I stared off into a different direction while he rubbed the back of his neck.

"He's waiting, I better let you go. So he doesn't feel anything like what you were feeling yesterday." He shoved his hands into his pockets waiting for me to give him a cue to leave. I felt a slight pang in my heart, I wish Luke would feel exactly what I felt yesterday.

I gave a small nod before continuing my now brisk walk to the car. A part of me wished he would have invited me with him to wherever he was going but I said goodbye to that chance when I mentioned my fake plans with Luke. Not entirely fake, I just wouldn't have admitted that he stood me up again.

I downed the rest of my warm drink quickly before putting the cup into the bin. I noticed my phone as I got into the car and wondered how many notifications I had. The only one that stood out to me was the text almost 15 minutes ago from Luke:

I just woke up, I had such a big night last night and now I don't feel well. You can come over if you want, just text me when you're on your way xx

I clenched my jaw and gripped the steering wheel as hard as I could. Don't cry I thought to myself. It had to have been a big night if he only woke up a couple of minutes before two. I couldn't help but let the tears out at the thought of the many events that could've happened in the late hours of the night and the early hours of the morning.

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