Tuesday - Briana Hates Harry Potter (only the movies the books are cool)

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6:30 AM

"Courtney, do you want to come with me to work?" I shake my head no.

"Nooo." I muffle into the pillow as I roll over to sleep some more.

"Okay then. You're gonna miss out." My mom says. She is the owner of a restaurant; she opened it with her best friend. They run the place and that keeps them pretty busy. I fell back asleep after she left. I don't even think I was fully awake to start with.

A few hours passed, and its 9:00 now. I decide it's time to get up. A.K.A. grabbing my iPad and watching Supernatural on Netflix whilst lying in bed. My dogs, Max and Casey, sleep in my room and they like to pounce on me at the sight of sudden movement. I get a nice lick in the face and a good step on the stomach every morning.

I woke up this morning and do the same thing as every morning. I watch about 3 episodes of Supernatural. Around 11:00 AM I decide to call my mom just to say a friendly hello.

"Hey whatcha doing?" My mom answers.

"Guess?" I ask.

She responds with, "Mmmmmm-playing on your iPad."

"Yup, oh and you disappeared on us!"

"Well actually I woke you up this morning at 6:30 to see if you wanted to come with me, but you shook your head no, and I left. I should be back in an hour for lunch though."

"I don't remember that this morning and can you bring breakfast when you come home?"


"Is your lazy sister Brianna up?"

"Nope, she's still sleeping. I'm not surprised though, she likes to stay up until 2 in he morning and sleep in until 12 or some times 1!"

"Yeah, she's weird like that. I don't understand how teenagers can live like that."

"Mom, you have it worse. You go to bed at 1:00 AM every morning and gets ready for work at 6:30! You're crazy!" I exclaim.

"I know I know, but hey I gotta go, I'll see ya later. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Okay, bye."


She hung up. I lay back in bed, and I watch another episode of Supernatural. After about one and a half episodes I hear the door unlock and that means -

"Girls i'm home!" - Mom is home. The dogs bolt off of my bed to go say hello to the person who just came inside.

"Hello mother" I yawn.

"I brought breakfast burritos and cinnamon rolls from work."

I get out of bed and grab two breakfast burritos and a cinnamon roll. One breakfast burrito has eggs, sausage, and salsa in it, and in the other there is black beans, eggs, pepper, and sausage. I eat it quickly and go back to my room.

"Hey girls, I have to go back to work. I'll be back around 12:30 tonight." Mom calls from the kitchen.

"Okay!" Brianna and I call back in unison. My mom heads out the door and locks it.

" COURTNEY!!! MY CHEM WAS ON YO GABA GABA!!! COME HERE!!!!" Brianna loves My Chemical Romance. I should probably mention she is fifteen.

"No!!! I don't want too!!" I whined as I started to get up to check it out.

"COME HITHER CHILD." She shouted.

" ENGLISH PLEASE!" I shout back as I laugh at how ridiculous she looks with her hair in a bun that makes it look like she has a hair net on.

"Pull up a chair!" She demanded.

"Whatever" I slide in with my Ravenclaw socks on.

After the video

"What the heck?! Mikey was like 'I'm too cool for this' and FRIGGIN GERARD WAS SINGING A STUPID SONG ABOUT SNOWFLAKES!" I rant. I put the chair back; I stole it from the piano, so I decide to sit in front of the piano. I like to annoy Brianna by playing the piano sometimes. I start playing Centuries by Fall Out Boy. I don't have the best voice. but Brianna completely sucks at singing which makes me sound better, though I am still pretty bad. I start screeching. "SOME LEGENDS ARE TOLD! SOME TURN TO DUST OR TO GOLD BUT YOU WILL REMEMBER MEEEEEEEEEEEEE! REMEMBER ME-oops, WRONG KEY!!! FOR CENTURIES!!!!!" I stop. It's too annoying for me to continue. I'm not even annoying her! SHES FREAKING SINGING ALONG! I chose to play the superman theme instead, because she hates it! It's quite fun.

I stop playing to piano and go to my violin. Those are the only two instruments I play. I start playing my piece that I'm playing for my auditions. I am auditioning for the Symphony Youth Orchestra. I've been in it for the past two years, so I think I'll get in again this year too. I play for a little bit. I soon get bored and put my violin away. I walk to the couch and plop down on it.

"I want to watch Harry Potter!" I exclaim to Brianna.

"No!" She snapped.

"Why not? We have the series!" I whine.

"I don't like the movies! The books are better." She said.

"Well, I want to watch the prisoner of Azkaban, and there's no stopping me!" I say triumphantly.

"No Courtney! I'm editing our video Grace and I did! We need to update on our YouTube channel."

"Well too bad, I want to watch it!" I put in the movie and the previews start playing. It's finally starting, and Brianna leaves to go to the other room.

"You're a jerk you know." She doesn't seem to realize that I know I'm a jerk, and I'm good at being one too!

*le time skip to after the movie*

"Good movie." I say.  I walk back to my room and go on my iPad and see if any of the youtubers I like have been productive enough to upload a video. Nope.

"Casey!!! Max!!!!!" I call. "Bedtime!" They bolt into my room and I shut the door. "Hop up!" I pat the empty space next to me. They jump up and find a spot on my bed to sleep. I lay down completely, and I check my Wattpad and Tumblr just to make sure nothing has happened. I put my phone away and I go to sleep with Casey next to me and Max at my feet.

Authors note

More references are coming and I really hope you liked the first chapter! Thanks for reading the first chapter! Bye!


Editors Note:

This is a thing now. Deal with it.

Well this was painful to edit, but at least your'e eyes shouldn't shrivel up and burn now when you read it. Now they'll only mildly sting...

Thank you for reading!

- TheHouseOfBlack (aka the sister)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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