So close

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Beast Boy stood in front of the stove making waffles for Raven, as he did a lot these days. Raven's elbows were on the counter and she held her tea cup close to her mouth.

"Bon a petit!" Beast Boy said and put a stack of waffles in front of her with syrup on them.
"Thank you, Beast Boy," she said, then prepared to eat her waffles. Beast Boy smirked. "What?" Raven asked, then looked down at her plate. Off to the side of the plate was the number 12 with a heart around it spelt in syrup. At first Raven didn't understand what this symbolized, then she realized it was the number of days until they could date.
"You sneaky devil," she says smiling, then cuts a dry piece of waffle, wipes it through the syrup and chomps down on it, smiling as she chewed.

2 days later...

"Hello friends Beast Boy and Raven!" Starfire said cheerfully as she walked into the room. Raven looked up to her from her spot where she was reading on the couch and returned the greeting. "I would like to know if you would like to go to the mall of shopping with friend Terra and I," she requested. Raven thought for a minute, but then agreed to it by nodding her head. "Beast Boy, what is the time of this moment?" She asked. Beast Boy looks at his watch and says, "10:13" with accent on the ten. Starfire didn't notice, but wondered why he put accent on the ten. Then as Starfire was thinking, Beast Boy winked at Raven. "Oh yeah, 10 days left," she thought to herself. She just smiled at shook her head at Beast Boy.
"So if we leave now, the mall of shopping will be open by the time of our arrival," the alien said. Raven wasn't too keen on the idea of Terra coming along, but she was in a good mood and she looked forward to hanging out with Starfire. These past few months actually have opened her up more since she became closer to Beast Boy, and likewise Beast Boy has become slightly more serious from Raven's influence, occasionally reading or meditating with her, which was somewhat in attempts to win her favor.

Terra walked into the room also, a sour taste in her mouth coming over as she saw her ex and the girl that "made them" break up.
"Alright Starfire, ready to go," Terra said, readjusting her purse over her shoulder.
"Friend Terra, we must first wait for friend Raven to get the ready also," she said. Terra had known Starfire was asking Raven, but she didn't think the empath would agree, so she was slightly let down. Raven sensed this and couldn't help but smirk.

4 days later...

(Idk if I did the math right for this but I don't care)

Tuesday rolled around again so it was movie night, but this time it was Beast Boy's pick. He searched around the movie cabinet until he found what he was looking for.
"What movie are we watching?" Raven asked, bringing a bowl of freshly popped popcorn to her usual spot on the couch. 
"You'll see," he says as he puts the disc in.

They skip through the ads and the main screen comes up. "Oh I get it. Big Hero 6" she said, considering that in 6 days they would be able to date.

About halfway through the movie the two are all cozy next to each other.
"You know, we don't have to wait 6 more days to start dating," she said, giving in to temptation, one hand on his chest.
"Oh really," he said seductively. The two began to lean in towards each other but Beast Boy simply whispered in her ear, "6 more days." He smirked. Raven shouted and smacked him with a pillow in frustration.
"You can't just do that Beast Boy!" She said, angry but laughing at the same time. He laughed and ducked behind the couch to avoid her fire. "You are the most infuriating person that I have ever met!" She said crossing her arms. He popped up from behind the couch and said, "but that's why you wuuuvvv me."
"Shut up," she said, and they continued to watch the movie.

6 days later...

Raven sat up on the roof, doing her morning meditation. The sun was rising over the tower and she looked at it come up from the glistening waters. There couldn't be a more peaceful day. So serene. Then the door to the roof opens. Raven senses this, but continues her meditation. She can feel someone coming up behind her, but stays relaxed.
"Boo!" A familiar voice shouts, not spooking the empath at all.
"Hello, Garfield," she replies monotonously. She had recently taken to calling him by his real name rather than his superhero one.
"Aw, how were you not scared?" He whines.
"You aren't exactly 'quiet', Gar," she says, still looking out over the still waters. He lowers himself and takes a seat next to her.
"You know what today is right?" Beast Boy asked.
"Mm," she answers, though quiet and concentrated, he knows that means yes.
"Raven, will you officially go out with me?" He asks. Rather than giving a verbal answers she leans over and kisses him passionately, an emotion she nearly ever shows, which is what made this moment special. She pulls away slowly and her arms are now draped around his neck, their foreheads touching.
"Yeah," she responds simply. Beast Boy smiled.
"Now I just have one question," he said. "Are we going to tell the others?"

Now you decide! Will Beast Boy and Raven tell the others, or wait for them to find out? If they tell the others, there will be Terra jealousy and her trying to split them up, but not as much fluff. If they keep it a secret, there will be suspicions and tons of fluff with them trying to keep it a secret. Then there won't be them saying hey we're dating, there will be some funny way that they'll find out. A comment is a vote, and you can change your mind. Thank you and enjoy! Remember though the story will be longer if they keep it a secret and I'll make up tons of fluff for you guys. Actually I'll probably keep it secret unless someone gives a good reason to tell the others and give me some ideas for what else should happen. Love you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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