shes kinda hot

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Nikki's POV
I was on my way to the club to meet with some of the other divas and superstars . Paige was gone again and I needed to get out. Beep beep. A car called my attention when the horn honked. I ignored and had fun at the club. When I got back to my hotel the same car was parked outside. I just carried on but when I got to my floor I saw Paige go into another room. I followed and knocked on it but no answer. I decided to wait for Paige because I was curious. Sure enough at 5 in the morning she showed up.

"Hello Paige"

"Oh god you scared me."

"Where were you?"

"Just doing things"

"You mean screwing my boyfriend."

"Nikki listen."

"No,no I get it. He's yours and this room is yours and I'm not your friend anymore I'm out. I'll get myself a car or something but don't call me again." I was going to leave until she caught my arm.

"Nikki I have proof though"

"Honestly I've lost interest so have a nice life." I slammed the door and was out. I asked to ride with Dean ambrose and he was there in a second.

Paige's POV
I went to Seth's room.
"Hello beauty"

"Don't beauty me you asshole." I slapped him and I could tell he was pissed .

"What was that for?"

"You ruinded everything for me, my best friend, my life. Now go fuck yourself."

"I'd rather fuck you"

"Seth, there's a line you just crossed it."

"Come over here. How did she find out? You told her didn't you?"

"No I don't know how she found out"

"Your definitely going to pay now."

"No I'm not, I'm going to fix this ."

"No your not, your my bitch now. You cannot leave me."

"How can you make me choose? Huh? My best friend or my lover. I want you but you cheated and you messed every thing up!"

"Watch you go with her bit you'll come crawling back to me."

"Well see about that."

Nikki's POV

I was really upset at my "best friend" so I left with Ambrose because he is so nice.


"Hey how's it going"

"Not so good."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah Paige is screwing seth so.."

"He's such a dick."

"I know but Paige has been different I don't know I'm just glad I'm with you"

"Haha Yea, honestly he was such a bad "brother" to me. I think its time we get payback!"

"Oh Yea? I'd enjoy that, hold on its Paige"


"What do you want?"

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