The Twins 1st birthday and suprise

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Penn's POV
Today it's Penn Jr and Sasha's 1st birthday so my Uncle Chuck, Aunt Rose, Sashi and I were coming up with a plan. I said"Hey Sash and Aunt Rose what is the best way to give the twins the best birthday party?". And Sashi said"Hmm how about explosives and fireworks". And I said"Ok so how about you Aunt Rose?". And my Aunt Rose said"Me and your Uncle Chuck planned to make a sculpture of all the fun things that Penn Jr and Sasha had with you two made out of scrambled eggs pretty cool right?". And I said"Ummm no but I've got a plan Aunt Rose you will bake the cake, Uncle Chuck you will gather the decorations for what we need for the party while Sashi and I dropped off Penn Jr and Sasha to Sashi's parents so we all agree?". And Uncle Chuck and Aunt Rose said"Agree". And Sashi said"I agree too PZ". And I said"Ok let's go Sash". So Sashi and I went upstairs to go grabbed the twins and were on our way to the Kobayashi's family apartment.
Sashi's POV
We allready arrived at the apartment we knocked at the door and it was my brother George and George said"Hey Sashi it's so great to see you". And I said"Hey George can you do us a favor". And George said"Sure what is it?". And I said"If it's ok if you can watch over Penn Jr and Sasha for a while Penn and I are at work". And George said"Yes absolutely". And I said"Ok Penn Jr and Sasha you be good to Uncle George ok?". And they nodded so Penn and I kissed their foreheads so Penn and I handover the twins to their Uncle George and Penn said"Remember mommy and daddy wuvs you". So Penn and I are on our way at the Odyssey theater because we recieved a special mission from Phyllis.
Penn's POV
My team and I arrived at the Odyssey and Phyllis said"Ok children good news today you'll zapped into special world at the most dangerous world imaginable". And I said"Yes finally thank you Phyllis". And Phyllis said"Ok good luck". And Phyllis zaps us to the most dangerous world imaginable.
Sashi's POV
We are now zapped in the most dangerous world imaginable and Penn said"Ok Sash check the specs". And I said"Allright our mission is to find your parents first before Rippen tries to stop us if he does". And Penn said"Ok peace of cake don't worry mom and dad I'll find you let's go team". And we run as we can to be fast.
Rippen's POV
Larry and I are zapped into the most dangerous world imaginable and Larry said"Are we playing tag?". And I said"No just check the spectacles". And Larry said"Ok our mission is to stop Penn from finding his parents and we have to destroy the Zeros for good". And I said"Finally I can put a stop to those foolish Zeros once and for all Ahahahaha". And Larry said"Let's go". So my minion and I are running as fast as we can to stop the part-time Heroes.
Meanwhile at Uncle Chuck's
Uncle Chuck's POV
I finally finished decorating the party inside and outside and setting the fireworks outside as well and I said"How are you doing over there Rose?". And my wife Rose said"Pretty good I hope our great niece and nephew would like this TADA!". And I said"Wow that cake looks so good". And Rose said"Yup I hope they like it?". We heard the doorbell and I opened the door and it was Penn's boss Phyllis. And I said"Oh hey Phyllis it's great to see you what are you doing here?". And Phyllis said"I'm here because I have wonderful gifts for Penn Jr and Sasha's birthday". And I said"That's great place them right over there". And Phyllis place the gifts with the other gifts. And Phyllis said"So do you need any help because Phyllis is happy to help with the party". And I said"No it's ok I allready called Sashi's parents to help with the party ok". And Phyllis said"Ok if need anything just contact Phyllis because she will be at theater good luck". And Phyllis left while I start setting up balloons.
At the most dangerous world imaginable
Penn's POV
My team and I just beat the heck out of monsters like slime monsters, sharks that can breathe under lava, and a monster made out of ears and we heard something and I said"Guys do you hear something?". And Sashi said"BOLDER!!!". And Boone screamed we run away as fast as we can but meanwhile we were stopped by Rippen and Larry. And Rippen said"Ahahahaha end of the line this is end of you Penn Zero finally victory is mine any final words?". And Penn said"Well gang I can't believe this is how it ends I love you Penn Jr, Sasha, Uncle Chuck, Aunt Rose, Mom, Dad, Phyllis, Boone, and Sashi,". And Sashi said"I also love you PZ, Penn Jr, Sasha, and my family". And Boone said"And I love you guys so much and goodbye mom, dad". We felt like this is over for the part-time heroes but 2 people showed up and saved us but instead the bolder was chasing Rippen and Larry and Rippen said"Why me?". And the 2 people how saved us were my parents and I said"Mom, Dad it's so great to see you". And my Dad said"It's great to see you too champ". And my Mom said"Oh I love you so much my son". And my Dad said"Oh I love you too". And I said"Ok guys this is turning a bit of a scene here". And my Dad said"I LOVE MY SOOOOOOOOON!". And Sashi said"Hey Brock and Vonnie I hate to break the reunion but today is Penn Jr and Sasha's birthday it will be a good opportunity to come". And my parents said"Sure". And the 5 of us got zapped out from the most dangerous world imaginable by Phyllis. And my Dad said"It's great to see you Phyllis". And Phyllis said"It's great to see you too Brock and Vonnie Zero let's go everyone Phyllis does not want to miss birthday party". And the 6 of us are on our way at Uncle Chuck's.
At Uncle Chuck's house
Sashi's POV
When we arrived at Penn's Uncle's house I saw my parents and I said"Hey Dad what are you doing here where's George and the twins?". And my Dad said"George and the twins are coming think right now". And Boone said"Hey you guys Penn Jr and Sasha's here!". And Penn said"Everyone hide!". And George opened the door and turned on lights and Everyone said"SURPRISE!!!!". And Penn Jr and Sasha were so happy and ran toward to us and they said"Mommy, Daddy!". And Penn said"Awww come here you little champs". And I said"Mommy and Daddy wuvs you". And Penn said"PJ, Sasha come on there's someone we want you to meet". And Penn's Parents showed up from the kitchen and Penn said"Say hello to your grandma and grandpa". And they giggled and ran toward to their grandparents and Penn's mom said"Oh I finally get to see you and you look so much like your Dad". And Penn's Dad said"Well this one is into crime fighting". And I said"Ok everyone it's time to set out fireworks". And Everyone said"Yeah!". So Phyllis, Vonnie and I set out fireworks and Penn Jr and Sasha are enjoying this because they love explosions and fighting it seems they have my skills also Penn and Boone set out the confeddey and the twins said"YAY!". And they are having fun riding on trains and Penn's Aunt Rose said"Ok everyone who wants cake?". And everyone said"Yeah!". And George set out the candles and Penn said"Ok everyone let's sing a happy birthday song to Penn Jr and Sasha Zero-Kobayashi come on everyone". And Everyone singed"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to PJ and Sasha, Happy Birthday to you!". And the twins blow their candles and we gave them around them applause and we begin the cake eating and Penn said"You know what Sash I think Penn Jr and Sasha are proud of us for doing this look at them". Penn Jr and Sasha are playing around with Penn's Dad and I said"Yeah they are PZ". And Phyllis said"Ok everyone time to open presents". And Everyone said"Yeah!". After, opening all presents it's Phyllis' turn and Phyllis said"Ok here you go Penn Jr and Sasha my gift to you". When the twins opened their presents Penn Jr gets a MUHU attached to a teddy bear from cheapo carnival prize and Sasha gets the specs kinda similar to mines and they loved it and the party was over everyone like it and Penn said"Bye guys thanks for coming". And everyone said"Bye!". And Penn, the twins and I went upstairs to his room and we just put the twins to sleep and Penn and I snuggled up in bed and started kissing and Penn said"I love you Sash". And I said"I love you too Penn". We kissed and sleep peacefully together with the twins in their cribs.

To be continued......

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