The Unique Guard

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  • Dedicated to Vaishinee

The Unique Guard

The moon was high in the sky, casting a great ray of moon light out into the night making all that was seen, seen, and all that was not, a mystery. The moon that night was casting a very powerful light towards Pigeon Mountain or as it’s also known Ohuiarangi. Ohuiarangi was Dangerous looking but was as calm as the sea. It had steep hills and lots of jagged rocks and prickles, that was small but they caused so much agony. On this little mountain there was a house that stood alone with nobody to live in (so as it was said). On the outside it had overgrown weeds and dried up flowers and herbs. But on the inside if only you had a look… it was as grand as any castle in the world (even thought it was just a small house). It was so grand that anyone who looked inside would have died of a heart attack.

In this house lived a man, this man was about in his late 20’s and he had blond hair with blue eyes, he had rosy cheeks that flushed deep red when he blushed as he was a very shy guy. He was really fit. But liked to eat occasionally. He was also an inventor. No one knew he existed apart from himself, King Trenton, and those who sought for his help received it. For some of the people who knew he existed, they never knew where to find him, but for some he made himself known but in agreement to this they have to keep quiet about him. This man’s name was Giaprido. He always made inventions that were good for not only the village he was in but the whole world. One day he got a note saying that he was to make the first ever guard to protect the King Trenton’s daughter, Princess Amelia, and it was also said that it was not to run on batteries, so you didn’t need to replace the battery every day. The guard he had to make was to be tall and fit, he was to have blonde hair, and he was to have blue eyes so that when you looked into it, it would make your heart melt (which for some female Soldiers would be deadly). Giaprido had finally made his guard, he then tried to make it wake up but he couldn’t. Giaprido kept trying to wake his guard up but couldn’t.

One stormy night, there was thunder and lightning everywhere; Giaprido was so caught up into fixing his guard that he didn’t even notice that there was a storm coming on. Only when he heard the thunder did he look up. He then saw the lightning. He quickly ran to the window to close it but as he was closing it, a lightning bolt came through the window. Luckily as the bolt was going to hit him he saw a piece of metal on the ground and bent to pick it up. He was terribly lucky to miss that bolt. He then saw through all the dust that was gathered up in his lab, that instead of striking him, it struck his Guard. When all the smoke cleared up Giaprido went to check his creation to see if it was harmed in any type of way e.g. getting a great big hole in his chest or any circuit damages... When he got there he saw that his creation was unharmed. It was as if the lightning bolt never struck him and as he finished checking the guard over, he saw that the guard had started to move about. He went a little bit closer to his creation and saw that he was waking up. As his creation opened his eyes, he saw that they were looking a bit confused.

He knew that his creation was a huge success. He then told the creation to get down from the metal bench and got him some clothes to wear then led him to the couch. He then told his creation that his name was Giaprido and told him about what was happening and what he was supposed to do and he also told that guard about himself and last but not least he told the guard his name. While he was making that guard he thought of all the possible name that could be done for a guard like him. And just a little while before fixing his guard he came up with the perfect name. Griffin. He told his creation that his name from now on was going to be Griffin. He asked his guard that if he liked that name and if he didn’t like it he could change it.  The guard said that he definitely liked the name Griffin.

Just before dawn Giaprido and Griffin left their small house and set off for a journey towards the Castle of King Trenton. The journey to the castle was long and hard. They weren’t expected until the next month but they decided not to waste another moment to deliver the king his guard. When they arrived at the castle they saw that there was a party going on then he remembered seeing flyers out in the streets saying that it was the Princess’s birthday today and there was to be a huge feast and everyone was invited. This special day the King was celebrating not only the Birthday of his only child but the success of adding another Kingdom to his name. When Giaprido and Griffin went to see the King they saw that the King was really surprised to see them as he thought that they were not expected until the next month. He then told them to go around and enjoy the party and he will talk to them later as it is a day to celebrate instead of talk business. For the whole day Giaprido and Griffin enjoyed themselves talking to people, eating different foods and having fun. When the party finished Giaprido and Griffin were then showed to their rooms by the Kings servants and were told to get a good night’s rest and they were also supposed to see the King in the Morning, so they would have to get up early. The next day Giaprido and Griffin went to see King, the King was in and extra cheerful mood that day. At breakfast everybody eat pancakes with maple syrup and butter. Some people had chocolate added to their pancakes some people had jam added, everybody had a full stomach by the time breakfast finished. It was time to get to business now that they had time to think of what they were to say. When the King called to see them they were really anxious to see if the King liked this guard of his. When they got to the King and talked about the guard, they saw that they had a lot of things in common. They saw that the guard was really perfect in any kind of ways and that it would do a good job of protecting the Princess. The next step was to introduce Princess Amelia to Griffin and thought that it would be good if they got to know each other well as they were going to be by each other’s side for a very long time. They then called Amelia and Griffin too the chamber that they were in and introduced them to each other.

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