The Capturing [Part 1]

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        You were sitting quietly on your bed, thinking about your day and evaluating your life. Man, this life sucked! Not only were your parents S-Ranked criminals, but every time someone suspected them to be who they were, you had to disappear. You sighed as you ran your fingers through your thin (h/c) colored hair. Why did you have to be born into such a confusing family? Sometimes you just wished that you could disappear, maybe live your own life somewhere else on your own, something. While you were still in thought, a soft knock sounded at your door. You looked over in curiosity as the door creaked open, revealing your mother.

"[Name]..." She frowned in disappointment at the sight of you sitting alone.

"What is it now mom?" You asked, annoyed.

Your mother sighed. Your father was always too lazy to talk to you, rather tell you that they've been discovered or they might have been. Your mother always seemed to be the one to do it for him. Then again, you didn't see him around much either, he was always off running or fighting somewhere.

"Your father believes that the Kazegage may suspect us, so be careful tomorrow with your team, okay?" You mother said, trying her best to comfort you.

Instead of answering your mother, you layed yourself down on your bed and pulled the blanket over yourself, trying to ignore the fact that you had to leave everything behind once again. How many times were they going to make you leave? It all first started back in the Hidden Leaf whenever you were just a child. You always had the dream of becoming the Hokage one day, doing something different than your parents. But they never saw it that way. You were supposed to join them in being S-Ranked Criminals, that was always the plan in their eyes. They probably would have joined the Akatsuki by now if it wasn't for you. You were born on accident, and they obviously never tried to hide it from you, especially your father. Your father was always bluntly clear about that in your rare conversations. You closed your eyes, trying to forget all your past memories here. You heard your mother release a quiet sigh from her lips.

"I'm sorry, [Name]..." She whispered. When saying this, your mother didn't intend for you to hear her, but you did anyways. She always apologized, both for her and her father, not that her father would ever apologize.

You brushed away your sad thoughts and clenched your eyes shut, trying to think of good thoughts before your fell asleep. As your mother was about to shut your door, you finally spoke up.

"Where are we going now?" You attempted to snake out of your mouth and onto your lips.

Your mother paused.

"We're going to the Hidden Leaf again." She said, waiting for a response.

Your eyes widened. The Hidden Leaf? Oh yeah, they don't know that they we are a family full of criminals yet. You used to live there when your parents still hadn't made up their minds about their lives. But about 10 years back in the hidden moon village you and your family got news of the Uchiha clan massacre. But now you were already 19 years old. It had been 9 years, so as long as no one can branch out that you're an Uchiha, there'd be no problem.

"Hn." You answered coldly, hoping your mom would leave at your quiet command.

And with that response, your mom left. I guess tomorrow was your last day here, because every time they'd say that they 'think' that they 'might' have been discovered, it really meant that they are positive that they had been caught. And you always ended up going to some team meet up as bait, and then escaping on your own, without help from your parents. You had never been caught, but you knew that your parents would save you, even if you were. You closed your eyes and your bad thoughts began to drift away as you fell asleep.

As you woke up to the sun shining at your eyes, you rubbed your face to find nothing around you anymore. Your clothes were gone, your furniture was gone. Everything was gone except you and your bed and blanket. But this was no surprise. Your mother always packed all your stuff the night before. You pulled yourself up out of your bed swiftly and got dressed. You had 10 minutes to get to your meeting place. As you put on your shoes and went to leave the house, you found your rarely found father standing by the front door, facing away from you.

"Dad?" You questioned innocently, surprised.

Your father turned around and looked down at you with a frown.

"You should be out there already! You're supposed to cause a distraction for us, you fool!" He yelled, making you even more nervous. "And I said not to call me your 'Dad'!"

You didn't get to see your father often, so even though seeing him scream was normal, it was rare that you saw him in general. You felt your fists tighten in anger, and then took a deep breathe to relax.

"Right." You said, puffing out a puff of air from your lungs. "I'm sorry sir, I'll get to it right away." You said, staring down at your feet.

"As hell you will! Get out of here! What're you waiting for? An invitation?" He yelled, slamming the door open.

Not only was your dad intimidating because of his ability to kill a person with one glance, (no this was not a rumor, it was completely true.), but his skills matched his looks. He looked so powerful in every way. He seemed to always stand tall and proud, which although didn't surprise you, still intimidated you. You quickly rushed out of the house, not taking even one little glance back, because you knew that if you would, he'd scream at you even more. Tears began to try to break through your eyes as you thought about how having a regular family would be like. You shook your head violently, attempting to get the thoughts out of you head. You walked and walked until you stood at the foot of the destination. You stood in front of this abandoned building that your team asked to meet in just last night. Where was everyone? They were usually on time-

"Look who it is! It's the little criminals daughter!" A tall black haired man chuckled, coming out from behind you. "How troublesome."

You jumped at the mans appearance. He didn't look too armed, maybe you could take him.

"Yeah," Another man said jumping from the roof. "I bet that she's useless without her parents, huh? What do you think Shikamaru?"

The men laughed in unison. Okay... Two men.. Maybe you couldn't take them... As you looked at their clothing, you realized who they were. These were Jonin! One man seemed to be from the Hidden Leaf, but why was he here?

"Stop messing with her." A woman said, grabbing onto your shoulders. "Maybe she will just work with us."

You quickly pushed the women's body toward the men, flinging her into their arms. They chuckled.

"Seems troublesome." Shikamaru said, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Seems like this'll take awhile." The woman said, patting the dirt off her shoulders. She coughed as her face erupted a smirk. "I guess that we'll just have to use force, eh [Name]?"

A girls road to Hokage [Sasuke x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now