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Diana's POV
"You sure I look okay?" I ask Eleanor

"YES YOU LOOK AMAZING!" she replies

"Common Diana we're going to be late for prom!" Danielle exclaims

"Oh, DIANA!! Your prince charming is waiting for you downstairs and might I say he looks amazing." Perrie says winking.

"Okay I'm ready." I reply taking one last look in the mirror.

"Let's do this!" I say to all of them smiling.

Everyone is at my place because everyone else's parents didn't want 10 kids in their living room, plus my parents are gone and so is aunt Claire. Everyone has gone to their houses and got pictures but now it's my time. Anne, Robin and Gemma are downstairs waiting to take pictures. Not to mention all my friends are there too, but one the person I'm hoping to impress, is Harry.

"HERE SHE IS!" Eleanor screams.

I slowly walk down the stairs and I look down at Harry and he looks flawless, his hair has been perfectly done, even though it still looks like a curly mess, his tux is the perfect fit and color, and when I look at his face he's glowing. His dimples are deeper than ever and his green eyes are staring through my brown ones. He reaches out a hand and I gladly take it.

Tonight is the night of my dreams with the boy of my dreams.

Harry's POV
We're all waiting downstairs for Diana and everyone's buzzing. My parents have some of the biggest smiles on their faces that I've ever seen and all the couples look great. I just can't wait to have a hand to hold tonight. I'm secretly so nervous, I tend to fuck shit up and for once I want to do something right. Especially prom.

"HERE SHE IS!" I hear Eleanor scream

I turn around at the most beautiful sight ever. Diana is in a long black gown with her hair perfectly curled. She's wearing a beautiful necklace with matching earrings. I can't hide the smile on my face when she see's me, man I hope I look okay. I reach out my hand and she gladly takes it.
(A/N: in the media)
"You look stunning." I whisper in her ear

"You look great!" All the guys say in unison. I look at Louis and he winks at me. Man we act so gay but that's our signal for "go get her".

"BEAUTIFUL!" Gemma and Anne exclaim

Diana runs over to them and gives them both big hugs.

"Thank you so much everyone." Diana says blushing

"Oh pictures!" My mom says wiping her tears

"Okay first Diana and Harry! SMILE!" she says still crying. My mom takes about 100 photos before the limo arrives.


We all stand in front of the limo with our dates. I lean in to Diana's ear and smile.

"You look beautiful tonight." I whisper

"Not so bad yourself." She replies giggling.

"OKAY THREE TWO ONE!"My mom yells before taking about another 100 pictures.

I go over to say goodbye to my parents and hey have the biggest smiles on their faces.

"She's a keeper Harry." My mom says to me embracing me in a hug

"I actually like her, so don't mess this up you bum!" Gemma says hugging me

"Don't worry bum." I reply.

"Enough you two! Have a great night Harry and be safe." Robin says smiling.

"Bye guys love you!" I say before heading into the limo.

I sit right next to Diana and put my arm around her shoulder. The limo starts moving and Eleanor instantly pulls out the champagne.

"A toast!" she says pouring everyone a glass.

"To what?" I ask

"To surviving High School!" she replies holding up her glass.

"Surviving High School!" we all say in unison.

"There's still prom..." Diana whispers in my ear

"What could go wrong love?"

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